Become climate neutral! We support you on your way to making an active contribution to solving the world’s climate problems in five steps.
Business divisions of illwerke vkw Vorarlberger Illwerke AG Vorarlberger Kraftwerke AG Electricity Vorarlberger Elektroautomobil Planungs- und Beratungs GmbH (“VLOTTE”) Tourism Illwerke Tourismus Electricity and natural gas Vorarlberger Energienetze GmbH Elektrizitätznetze Allgäu GmbH VKW-Ökostrom GmbH Various stakes in small hydropower plants Biomass Various stakes in biomass heating plants
Projects and activities of illwerke vkw Contracting Electro mobility (VLOTTE) Vorarlberg Energy Efficiency Network Climate Neutrality Alliance 2025 VKW Energy Cockpit PV-Vorarlberg Funding and actions
The founding members
The mission To reduce CO2 emissions To contribution to the 2°C target of the United Nations To accept global responsibility To raise awareness of climate protection To support high-quality climate protection projects To be a role model!
Climate neutral in 5 steps 05. Communicating 01. Measuring STEP BY STEP Climate neutral in 5 steps 04. Certifying 02. Reducing 03. Offsetting
Alliance partners 96 companies and organizations have joined the Climate Neutrality Alliance 2025 so far in order to make their corporate footprint climate neutral.
Now it’s up to you! Anna Maierhofer, Dipl.-Ing. Energy Efficiency/Mobility and Customer Service +43 5574 601-88275