Lesson 9: Triads
What are triads? What is a triad? A Triad is a three note chord whose notes are stacked in thirds. It is built from the lowest note up: 3. FIFTH 2. THIRD 1. ROOT
What are Triads? Like intervals, the bottom note of the interval, the root, determines the key of the triad. Like intervals, there are different kinds (qualities) of triads: Major, minor, Augmented, and diminished
Major Triads MAJOR TRIADS consist of a Major third and a Perfect fifth above the root. Another way to think about it, is the first, third, and fifth note of the major scale of the root note. Build a D major Triad using accidentals if neccessary.
Major Triads A major chord is represented just by the letter of the root. The quality is not pointed out in the chord symbol. It’s understood that it’s major.
minor triads Minor triads consist of a minor third and Perfect fifth above the root. Remember to think of the scale of the bottom note and than adjust where necessary! Another way to think about it is a minor triad is the first, third, and fifth note of the minor scale based on the root. Build a minor triad on F, using accidentals if necessary.
Minor triads The chord symbol for a minor triad is a “m” or “min”: i.e. Cm, Dm
Diminished Triads Diminished triads consist of a minor third and a diminished fifth. Remember a diminished fifth is one semitone lower than a Perfect fifth. Build a E diminished triad and use accidentals where necessary.
Diminished triads Diminished chord symbols are represented with a “0” or “dim” i.e. Fdim, or F0
Augmented Triads Augmented triads consist of a major third and an Augmented fifth. Remember and Augmented fifth is one semitone bigger than a Perfect fifth. Build an G Augmented triad, using accidentals where necessary.
Augmented Intervals
Why are we learning about triads? A chord on its own produces a colour or a mood. A succession of chords, a chord progression, provides forward motion to a song. This is achieved through the repeated process of tension and release. Some chords provide tension to the music, other chords provide the release. In a good chord progression these two elements are balanced in an extended motion of ebb and flow, dark and light. (from http://www.jazclass.aust.com/lessons/jt/jt05.htm)
Listening to Triad qualities What mood/emotion to these triads invoke? MAJOR: minor: diminished: Augmented:
Major Scales Triads You can build a triad on every note in a major scale just by using the notes in the scale.
4 Chord Progression https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpB_40hYjXU I, V, vi, IV
Four Chord Song Assignment CHORD TONES Chord Tones are notes that belong in a specific chord. i.e .C Major chord tones are C, E, G. What are Eb Major chord tones?
Four Chord Song Assignment Non chord tones are notes that don’t belong in the chord but are used to make the melody more interesting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mSR9tNxFf0
Melody…. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkspqbukSWY