Cell Organelles You will use this power point to finish your organelle chart. You will write the function (underlined), and circle if it is found in plant cells, animal cells, or both.
Nucleus Stores genetic information (DNA) Protein synthesis Control center The nucleus controls the entire cell. It contains the genetic info for the cell. Only eukaryotes have it (plant and animal cells)
Cell Membrane Phospholipid bilayer Maintains homeostasis Cell transport Controls what enters and leaves the cell.
Mitochondria Site of cellular respiration. Converts glucose (carbohydrates) into energy called ATP.
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Production of proteins and lipids (other things too) DOES NOT HAVE ANY RIBOSOMES ON IT. Helps produce lipid parts for the cell membrane.
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Studded with ribosomes Production of proteins and lipids
Vacuole Storage Contains fluids and food for the cell.
Ribosome Protein synthesis
Lysosome Breakdown/digestion of materials Clean up crew for the cell. Digest substance that could harm the cell. Break down large molecules for the cell.
Golgi Apparatus Protein packaging, sorting and transport “Pit stop for proteins” Packages, sorts and ships proteins to their designated location in the cell.
Chloroplast Site of photosynthesis Turn solar energy into chemical energy (glucose)
Cell Wall Rigid/strong support and shape Gives the cell its structure. Made of cellulose (sugar)