Stress A broad class of experiences in which a demanding situation taxes a person’s resources, or coping capabilities, causing a negative effect
Early Stress-Response Theories Walter Cannon Fight-or-flight response Body prepares for situation that individual perceives as threat to survival New research indicates that men and women have different neural responses to stress
Early Stress-Response Theories Continued Hans Selye General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) Three stages Alarm or acute stress stage Resistance or adaptation stage Exhaustion stage Psychological reactions (Lazarus) Distress Eustress
Neurotransmitter Stress Responses Serotonin synthesis more active May impair serotonin receptor sights and brain’s ability to use serotonin
Immune Stress Responses Interaction between nervous system and immune system during alarm phase of GAS Negatively affects body’s ability to produce protective factors
Types of Conflict Approach-Avoidance Avoidance-Avoidance Vacillation
Mediators of the Stress Response Stressors Perception Personality Social support
Mediators of the Stress Response Continued Self-help groups Low- and high-quality support Culture Spirituality and religious beliefs
Nursing Management of Stress Responses Measuring stress Social Readjustment Rating Scale (Holmes and Rahe; 1967, 1978, 1997) Measures level of positive and negative stressful life events over a 1-year period Assessing coping styles
Coping Strategies Seeking comfort Relying on self-discipline Intense expression of feeling Avoidance and withdrawal Talking it out Privately thinking it through Working it off
Coping Strategies - continued Engaging in self-healing and mind/body practices Spirituality and prayer Symbolic substitutes Somatizing
Behavior Stress-Management Techniques Benson’s relaxation techniques Meditation Guided imagery Breathing exercises
Behavior Stress-Management Techniques Continued Physical exercise Progressive muscle relaxation Biofeedback
Cognitive Approaches to Stress Management Cognitive reframing Mindfulness Journaling Humor