Interprofessional Teaching Clinic and Studio Pop Brought to you by: KU SOM Dept. of Family Medicine KU School of Pharmacy KU School of Nursing KU School of Health Professions KU School of Law
Interprofessional Education: Why now? In 2001, IOM’s Committee on Quality of Health Care in America concluded that: “Health care professionals working in interprofessional teams can best communicate and address complex and challenging needs.” 1 1 Institute of Medicine Committee on Quality of Health Care in America, editor. Crossing the Quality Chasm: New health system for the 21st century. Washington, DC: National Academy Press; 2001.
Interprofessional Educaton: Why now? The Mayo Clinic (Rochester, Minn.) reports nearly 1 in 2 (45.8%) of the nation's doctors already suffer a symptom of burnout. Team-oriented approaches could help ease the pressure: It used to be all about the clinician caring for the patient. Now it needs to be the clinician, nurse, care coordinator and others. When you start expanding the numbers of types of people who are caring for a patient, that helps a doctor and patient a lot.
What is IPTC? An Interprofessional Teaching Clinic (IPTC) housed in the Family Medicine clinic Students from different professions participate in shared learning at the point of care. Here’s a link to a video made and produced by nursing students who participated in IPTC last spring.
IPTC: Who is at the table? Students 3-4 fourth year nursing students 2-4 sixth year pharmacy students 4 third year medical students When possible, one second or third year physical therapy student Law students by consult
IPTC: Who is at the table? Faculty Medicine: Heidi Chumley MD John Delzell MD Hannah Maxfield MD Jana Zaudke MD, MA Nursing: Christina Phillips DNP Pharmacy: James Kleoppel MS, PharmD Physical Therapy: Stephen Jernigan PT PhD Law: Eunice Lee-Ahn, JD, MSW
IPTC: What are the logistics? Patients are scheduled to see their primary care provider during IPTC. Two attending physicians see patients each half day of IPTC. 6-8 patients are scheduled per half day per attending physician.
IPTC: What are the logistics? Currently, IPTC runs 6 half days a week. Pharmacy and Medicine are together everyday. Nursing, pharmacy and medicine see patients together 3 of the 6 half-days. When possible, PT participates 1 half-day.
IPTC: What is the visit approach? Visits Acute Chronic Diabetes, HTN, Chronic pain Preventive Physical exam Screening tests
IPTC: What is the visit approach? Teams Students join forces BEFORE the visit. Review the chart TOGETHER. This allows you a chance to get to know each other AND the patient. Talk about what you want to know/do in the room. Talk about how to approach the patient encounter as a team.
IPTC: What is the visit approach? Teams Students see the patients AS a TEAM. Students report back to the attending AFTER the visit AS a TEAM. Often the medical student presents the patient, but ALL students have a voice. The medical student is responsible for documenting the patient visit, but the TEAM develops the assessment and plan.
IPTC: What is the visit approach? Roles We encourage you to define your roles by what the patient needs today. Start with your professional training and scope of practice. Next, allow yourself to participate in new ways. Last, always come back to what YOU can do for the patient today.
* We need to revise this to include PT and Law.
IPTC: Looking back as looking forward Reflect on your performance individually and as a team. Incorporate your reflections into your next patient encounter. Debrief! Share your anxieties, frustrations, and questions with your team and your faculty. Always, come back full circle to the patient’s needs and let that guide you.
What is Studio Pop? Every Tuesday afternoon Protected time for: Reflection Debriefing Collegiality Conversation
What is Studio Pop? Activities ‘Difficult’ Patient encounters Group Visits Home Visits Projects
IPTC and Studio Pop Resources Do you Tweet? Follow us at Studio Pop@IPTClinic
Reminders If you have a laptop, please bring it to IPTC! When you have a moment, please complete the online survey sent to you by email!