General Strengthening networks and knowledge exchange- identification of attachment interests and development of a schedule IFSD to serve as a center for capacity building for PBOs-develop specific programmes for PBOs
ECONOMIC ANALYSIS Development of a prototype economic model for customization in different jurisdictions-issue came up in 2016 GN-PBO Assembly and nothing has been done yet. How Kenyan PBO can support other PBOs to develop own models Share practical analytical frameworks in economic analysis-step by step procedures
FORECASTING Practical sessions on revenue and expenditure forecasts Networking for data sharing-data acquisition from a credible sources a process that takes time and art of communication. PBOs must acquire those skills.
Independence No absolute independence-PBOs must strive for financial and administrative independence As much as PBOs strive for independence, there is need for transparency and accountability to ensure a harmonious relationship with other departments Need to distinguish PBOs ( Which cannot be detached from Parliament) and IFIs (housed outside Parliament) which have diff roles. Equating them misleads and can lead to PBOs demanding absolute independence which is not impracticable