Rome and Carthage
Roman Republic Was not a static institution but rather a continually evolving structure Political participation and eligibility widened over time (orig. Senate with 2 Consuls, then Assembly with Tribune) Republic born in late 6th Cent BC, consolidates hold on Italy and looks to Western Mediterranean in 3rd Cent BC
Carthage Oligarchy ruled and elected 2 suffets (judges) Strongest maritime power of Western Mediterranean in 3rd Cent BC (orig. Phoenician colony) Trade is key source of wealth and while some citizens serve in the army, that wealth is used to hire mercenaries
Empires Before War
First Punic War 264-241BC Sicily a hub for trade and Syracuse itself very wealthy Rome consolidated control of Italy and wanted to expand
Second Punic War 218-201BC Rome seizes Corsica and Sardinia in 238 BC Carthage expanded territory in Spain making Rome nervous Rome supported rebels in Spain – Hannibal Barca, long taught to hate the Romans gathers an army to invade
Second Punic War 218-201BC Army includes Carthaginian soldiers, Celts from Spain, horsemen from Numidia and an elephant corps of 40 About 50,000 men cross the Alps in fall and despite losses in the crossing and first battles, their new Gallic allies bolster their numbers
Second Punic War 218-201BC Hannibal wins series of victories along the entire length of Italy for 14 years, including the destruction of an 80,000 strong Roman army at the battle of Cannae Roman attacks on Spain and eventually Africa cause Hannibal to withdraw to Carthage
Second Punic War 218-201BC Numidians ally with Romans and Scipio Africanus uses Hannibal’s own tactics against him Hannibal is defeated at Zama in 202 BC
Third Punic War 149-146BC Carthage gained a 50yr respite as Rome conquered Greece Eventually Cato convinced Rome to eliminate Carthage Men killed, women and children enslaved, and earth sown with salt
Rome at End of Punic Wars