Watersheds and River basins of SC
The Water Cycle Energy from the Sun is the driving force of this cycle. After evaporation and condensation, water returns to Earth as precipitation, it may flow down slope along Earth’s surface as runoff. Runoff may reach a stream, river, lake or wetlands area in its eventual surface flow toward the ocean. Water that seeps into Earth’s surface becomes groundwater.
Rivers and Lakes of SC
But how does the water know where to go? A divide is the high land area that separates one watershed or drainage basin from another. Drainage Basin - is the land area that drains into a particular stream or river system.
8 Watersheds / Drainage Basins of SC
Those 8 get grouped into 4 ‘River Basins’
Have some fun! http://watersheds.fernleafinteractive.com/?zoom=7¢er=33.5551,-81.5515&id=030402070208 Explain to me why when Columbia flooded last year, it was a huge problem for Georgetown and Northern Awendaw, but not for Charleston… Check out the Mississippi River down by New Orleans…
Charleston vs Georgetown & North Awendaw Area