7c-Draft Guidance on Water Balances European Commission DG Environment, Unit C1 –Water Elisa Vargas Amelin
Background and process Blueprint: "bringing in water accounting and water efficiency targets at sectoral level would provide a stronger basis for effective and targeted water protection measures". Water Accounts can tell "how much water flows in and out of a river basin and how much water can realistically be expected to be available before allocation takes place" Drafting group on water accounts created on 2014. Meetings: 21/10/2014 and 19/03/2015 in Brussels. Different versions developed, discussed and distributed for comments. V.5. distributed on 13 April. Comments gathered until 20 April. V.6 (final) distributed on 28 April. It now incorporates: additional clarifications (desalination, water reuse, internal water transfer, illegal abstractions), definitions (glossary), GW considerations, illustrations, comparison with SEEA-W…
Next steps Please provide any final remarks by 12 May 2015 to Elisa.VARGAS- AMELIN@ec.europa.eu; p.strosser@acteon-environment.eu Agree to forward this document for endorsement by the Water Directors at their next meeting in Riga on 26-27 May 2015. Thank you!