National Mandates and Standards of PE Curriculum
Instructional Priority for CA schools Contributes to: Good health Developing fundamental & advanced motor skills Improving student’s self-confidence Providing opportunities for increased levels of physical fitness Associated with high academic achievement Mastering fundamental movement skills for a foundation Increases capacity for a lifetime of success & enjoyment with physical activity experiences
The Standards Focus on the content of Physical Education Provide a comprehensive vision of what students need to know States what students need to be able to do at each grade level Provides a model for high school course design
The U.S. Surgeon General Regular physical activity is one of the most important ways to maintain and improve Physical health Mental health Overall well-being Participation in PE leads to becoming more likely to become a healthy adult motivated to remain healthy
Education Code Section 51210: Section 51222: Requires 200 minutes of PE every 10 school days for students in grades 1-6. Section 51222: Provides for 400 minutes of PE every 10 school days for students in grades 7-12. Two years of PE in high school is mandatory to graduate.
An Essential Discipline Teaches Students: How their bodies move How to perform a variety of physical activities The health-related benefits of regular physical activity The skills to adopt a physically active, healthy lifestyle Provides learning experiences that meet the developmental needs of students
With High Quality PE Instruction Students become: Confident Independent Self-controlled Resilient Develop positive social skills Set and strive for personal, achievable goals Learn to assume leadership Cooperate with others Accept responsibility for their own behavior Improve their academic performance
Highlights of the Standards Students demonstrate the motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. Standard 2: Students demonstrate knowledge of movement concepts, principles, and strategies that apply to the learning and performance of physical activities. Standard 3: Students assess and maintain a level of physical fitness to improve health and performance
Highlights of the Standards (cont.) Students demonstrate knowledge of physical fitness concepts, principles, and strategies to improve health and performance. Standard 5: Students demonstrate and utilize knowledge of psychological and sociological concepts, principles, and strategies that apply to the learning and performance of physical activity.
Elementary School Standards Emphasize the way in which Students move through space & time in their environment The student and a partner move in space together Emphasize The continuity and change in movement Manipulation of objects in time and through space Manipulation of objects with accuracy and speed
Middle School Standards Emphasize Working cooperatively to achieve a common goal Making decisions Meeting challenges Working as a team to solve problems
High School Standards Standard 1: Standard 2: Standard 3: Students demonstrate knowledge of and competency in motor skills, movement patterns, and strategies needed to perform a variety of physical activities. Standard 2: Students achieve a level of physical fitness for health and performance while demonstrating knowledge of fitness concepts, principles, and strategies. Standard 3: Students demonstrate knowledge of psychological and sociological concepts, principles, and strategies that apply to the learning and performance of physical activity.
Physical Education Curriculum Websites California Department of Education Physical Education Framework for California Public Schools Physical Education Model Content Standards for California Public Schools National Curriculum Physical Education Example (K-8)