Housing 2020 : What is Shaping the Future of Housing in Virginia Presentation on Demographics
Problems emanating from the housing market forced financial institutions to take massive write-downs on their mortgage portfolios, igniting a broader banking crisis. Amid fears about the strength of banks and severe losses of both housing and stock wealth, consumer confidence plunged 41 percent below its lowest previous trough. Households slashed their spending andfor the first time on recordcut their net borrowing. State of the Nations Housing 2009
Where weve been in the last 5 years Our housing market has been defined by the housing crash over the past 5 years. Over 100,000 homes foreclosed in Virginia Construction of new homes nearly came to a halt Sales of existing homes dipped to record lows Nearly 25% of mortgages in Virginia are underwater or near underwater The homeownership rate began to decline for the first time
After several false starts, there is reason to believe that 2012 marks the beginning of a true housing market recovery. State of the Nations Housing 2012
Were beginning to hear noises that weve reached a major turning point in the housing market and that, with interest rates so low, this is a rare opportunity to buy. But are such observations on target? It would be comforting if they were. Yet the unfortunate truth is that the tea leaves dont clearly suggest any particular path for prices, either up or down. Robert Schiller, NYT, January 26, 2013
Housing 2020: Why? We need to look beyond recovery from the Housing Crash There are sweeping trends that are re-shaping housing in seismic ways. Our housing markets and products will be widely affected. Understanding these trends and their impacts will help us prepare our communities.
THINK BIG: What is shaping the future of housing in Virginia in the next decade?
Demographics Economics Finance Green/Sustainable
Part 1: Demographics Housing 2020
Demographics Virginias population is growing Regional growth varies greatly New households are different from the past The Millennials are here The Age Wave has arrived Housing preferences are changing
Demographics John Martin at SIR / Boomer Project CEO of the Boomer Project and president and CEO of the Southeastern Institute of Research John has been the guiding force behind the Older Dominion Partnership, an umbrella organization dedicated to studying the impact of the age wave on Virginia and how to prepare for it.
Population Growth How much growth? Where will it be? Who will it be? What does it mean for housing?
Putting future demographic change in perspective
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Population Growth in Perspective by John Martin Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
Where is the growth happening? Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service
Demography is Destiny: Impacts on communities
Housing Virginia Video Presentations VAs Population Growth – Makeup and Expectations by John Martin Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
The AGE WAVE: What is it … What does it mean?
The AGE WAVE: Age Ready Communities
Why do we need to be Age Wave Ready?
Housing Virginia Video Presentations The Age Wage by John Martin Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation..
The AGE WAVE: Boomers are diverse; will make different housing choices as they retire
How are the new HHs in Virginia different from the past ?
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Shift in HH Makeup by John Martin Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
Multi-generational HHs on the rise
Multi-Generational HHs in Virginia
Multi generational HHs on the rise
No longer just the Walton family…
Household formation in decline CPS - Current Population Survey; HVS - Housing Vacancies and Homeownership; ACS – American Community Survey
Household Formation Unemployment for Millennials is twice the National Average Real Wages for Young People have Declined since in 3 btw age 18 and 25 report Moving back to Parents House House and Apartment Sharing is at High Levels CPS - Current Population Survey; HVS - Housing Vacancies and Homeownership; ACS – American Community Survey
Household formation in decline
Young HHs Have not been Forming HHs at Normal Rates
HH composition trends will continue:
HH composition trends will continue
Single and single parent HHs
The Millennials: here they come!
How are the Millennials changing everything?
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Gen Y by John Martin Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
Owning versus Renting - future housing choices
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Gen Y Perspective on Work/Living by John Martin Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
The Gen Y view of owning a home differs from their parents.
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Gen Y View on Home Ownership by John Martin Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
Self Supportive housing – new owners will place different demands on their homes
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Self Supportive Housing by John Martin Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
The Tailwind in the market: Boomers and Millennials converge on the same housing choice: Urban, walkable, connected, smaller, affordable, green
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Tailwinds by John Martin Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
What the new frugality means for housing?
Housing Virginia Video Presentations The New FRU by John Martin Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
Takeaways: Demographics 80% of VA population growth in the Crescent The Age Wave is NOW – Boomers still drive the market… but in a different direction Aging in place creates new demands on the housing stock Multi – Gen HHs need different housing design and style Single headed HHs / non-family HHs will continue to rise Immigrants / Minorities – VA will be majority minority by 2040 Millennials – a different view of housing / not as central as for boomers The TAILWIND : Boomers and Millennials converge on housing preferences: urban, smaller, affordable, green
Part 2: Economics Housing 2020
Economics Christine Chmura at Chmura Economics Chris is the President and Chief Economist for Chmura Economics & Analytics, a quantitative research and economic development and workforce consulting firm Chris is a quoted source on regional and national trends in the media throughout the Mid-Atlantic and Southeast, as well as national publications such as the Wall Street Journal.
Prospects for economic growth in Virginia
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Economic Growth in the State by Chris Chmurra Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
More highly educated workforce keeps VA unemployment < U.S.
Virginia still off 30,000 jobs from peak
Federal Government far outpaced private sector in VA in job creation
Over 170,000 Federal Government employees work in Virginia in 2011
Top ten federal contract recipients by state: Contract AwardsNumber of Contracts Virginia $59,460,984, ,334 California $52,793,263, ,209 Texas $40,368,000, ,244 Maryland $25,905,877, ,504 Pennsylvania $19,237,808, ,548 District of Columbia $19,120,499, ,886 Massachusetts $16,690,889,232 96,379 Florida $16,317,630, ,951 Arizona $14,439,124,750 52,126 Connecticut $12,886,986,080 35,046
RankMetropolitan Statistical AreaContract Awards Number of Contracts 1Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV $ 78,563,551, ,500 2Northern Virginia, VA $ 44,738,513, ,546 3Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX $ 23,268,279,292 45,516 4Los Angeles-Long Beach-Santa Ana, CA $ 16,239,863,641 90,039 5Boston-Cambridge-Quincy, MA-NH $ 14,690,207,829 85,379 6Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington, PA-NJ-DE-MD $ 12,217,193, ,293 7 New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island,NY-NJ- PA $ 11,726,190, ,996 8San Diego-Carlsbad-San Marcos, CA $ 11,493,944,115 48,847 9Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News, VA-NC $ 10,728,828,530 57,198 Top federal contract recipients by metropolitan area:
Where will we see growth? The crescent
Housing and the economy: How important is housing to economic growth in VA?
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Housing Market and the State Economy by Chris Chmurra Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
SF building permits still well below peak
Single-family building permits: Percent change from Sept 2011
Housing is NOT Leading Us out of the Great Recession
The future of the housing economy:
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Future of the Housing Economy by Chris Chmurra Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
Where will prices go? Virginia Association of REALTORS
Are recent price increases sustainable?
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Recent Rise in Home Prices by Chris Chmurra Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
The decline in home ownership in Virginia – will it be reversed?
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Decline in Home Ownership by Chris Chmurra Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
Millennials and the economy. The unemployment rate for Millennials is 12% - over 17% when discouraged workers are included.
Impact of the housing crash Theyre more risk averse… because of this, they wont invest as much into the stock market, housing or any one job.
Growth in student debt is
Virginias students are debt burdened from the start While there are variations, generally more than half of VA grads have student debt Institute for College Access
Student debt…the growing burden
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Effect of Student Loan Debt on New Homebuyers by Chris Chmurra Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
Student debt levels will affect loan qualification Student debt + car loan + credit card New QM rules – 43% back end ratio
Decline in home values also acts as a brake on the market.
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Impact of the Decline in Home Value by Chris Chmurra Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
What can we expect in terms of income growth?
Factors driving growth in household income in Virginia
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Factors Driving Growth of HH Income by Chris Chmurra Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
Lender response
Houses more affordable but credit tougher to get
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Recessions Effect on Bank Underwriting by Chris Chmurra Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
Prospects for homeownership: Is owning a home still a goal?
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Economic Growth in the State Part 2 by Chris Chmurra Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
Takeaways: Economics Virginias economy is recovering but regional variances are large Strong dependence on federal spending is a concern Housing contributes to economic growth / must be a part of the recovery Student debt is now a major factor in housing choice Loss of home equity / refi challenges limit trade ups and consumer spending Millennials are facing employment challenges Price recovery / construction will be slow & uneven
Part 3: Finance Housing 2020
Finance What went wrong with housing finance? Capital sources for housing / secondary market Interest rates Underwriting standards Impact of mortgage product changes Rental housing finance
Finance Ethan Handelman at National Housing Conference Ethan Handelman directs NHC's policy and advocacy agenda focused on strengthening the nation's housing finance system Ethan authored Government Sponsored Enterprises and Multifamily Housing Finance: Refocusing on Core Functions.
Mortgage rates will stay low… assuming
What went wrong ?
The role of finance in the crash
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Role of Finance in the Housing Crash by Eric Handleman Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
What is in the future – short term: Is systematic change possible?
Housing Virginia Video Presentations The Potential for Systematic Change by Eric Handleman Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
What are the GSEs?
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Salvaging the GSEs by Eric Handleman Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
Who was Making Mortgages: Before, During and After the Crash Source: Bipartisan Policy Center Housing Commission, 2013
The future of GSEs: The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) today announced that it has directed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to raise guarantee fees on single-family mortgages by an average of 10 basis points. The changes to g-fee pricing represent a step toward encouraging greater participation in the mortgage market by private firms… These changes will move Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac pricing closer to the level one might expect to see if mortgage credit risk was borne solely by private capital. Edward J. DeMarco, Acting Director of FHFA August 31, 2012
The future of GSEs: A permanent solution for beleaguered mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which the government took over in 2008, might not be achieved before Obama leaves office. Geithner said it could take three to five years to reduce the dominant role the two companies play in mortgage financing to the point where their role could be handled by some new enterprise Congress might decide to create. He said that time should be used for a debate over what Fannies and Freddies future should be. Boston Globe January 26, 2013
Whats next for homeownership?
The future of home ownership
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Future of Home Ownership by Eric Handleman Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
Changes to mortgage products…
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Future of Mortgage Products by Eric Handleman Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
LMI households: the need for new policy solutions
Credit Requirements post Crash
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Policy Solutions for LMI HHs by Eric Handleman Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
Rental financing: it works
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Rental Financing Works by Eric Handleman Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
Affordable rental housing: where we need to improve
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Barriers to Affordable Rental Housing by Eric Handleman Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
Finance is about more than just money…
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Housing Finance More Than Just Money by Eric Handleman Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
Takeaways: Finance Interest rates will remain low by historical standards Mortgage product variety will be limited; long term fixed rate is the standard Underwriting criteria are set – will be slow to expand Lenders will stay inside the box Secondary market reform progress will be slow – costs will rise States must play a larger role in meeting affordable housing needs as Federal role shrinks.
Part 3: Finance Housing 2020
Finance What went wrong with housing finance? Capital sources for housing / secondary market Interest rates Underwriting standards Impact of mortgage product changes Rental housing finance
Finance Ethan Handelman at National Housing Conference Ethan Handelman directs NHC's policy and advocacy agenda focused on strengthening the nation's housing finance system Ethan authored Government Sponsored Enterprises and Multifamily Housing Finance: Refocusing on Core Functions.
Mortgage rates will stay low… assuming
What went wrong ?
The role of finance in the crash
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Role of Finance in the Housing Crash by Eric Handleman Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
What is in the future – short term: Is systematic change possible?
Housing Virginia Video Presentations The Potential for Systematic Change by Eric Handleman Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
What are the GSEs?
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Salvaging the GSEs by Eric Handleman Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
Who was Making Mortgages: Before, During and After the Crash Source: Bipartisan Policy Center Housing Commission, 2013
The future of GSEs: The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) today announced that it has directed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to raise guarantee fees on single-family mortgages by an average of 10 basis points. The changes to g-fee pricing represent a step toward encouraging greater participation in the mortgage market by private firms… These changes will move Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac pricing closer to the level one might expect to see if mortgage credit risk was borne solely by private capital. Edward J. DeMarco, Acting Director of FHFA August 31, 2012
The future of GSEs: A permanent solution for beleaguered mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which the government took over in 2008, might not be achieved before Obama leaves office. Geithner said it could take three to five years to reduce the dominant role the two companies play in mortgage financing to the point where their role could be handled by some new enterprise Congress might decide to create. He said that time should be used for a debate over what Fannies and Freddies future should be. Boston Globe January 26, 2013
Whats next for homeownership?
The future of home ownership
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Future of Home Ownership by Eric Handleman Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
Changes to mortgage products…
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Future of Mortgage Products by Eric Handleman Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
LMI households: the need for new policy solutions
Credit Requirements post Crash
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Policy Solutions for LMI HHs by Eric Handleman Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
Rental financing: it works
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Rental Financing Works by Eric Handleman Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
Affordable rental housing: where we need to improve
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Barriers to Affordable Rental Housing by Eric Handleman Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
Finance is about more than just money…
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Housing Finance More Than Just Money by Eric Handleman Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
Takeaways: Finance Interest rates will remain low by historical standards Mortgage product variety will be limited; long term fixed rate is the standard Underwriting criteria are set – will be slow to expand Lenders will stay inside the box Secondary market reform progress will be slow – costs will rise States must play a larger role in meeting affordable housing needs as Federal role shrinks.
Part 4: Green Housing 2020
Green / Sustainability Changing consumer preferences Green homes / communities are mainstream Implications for affordability Walkable and transportation oriented housing Technology advances – Smart houses 3 rd party certification programs
Green / Sustainability Sandra Leibowitz at Sustainable Design Consulting Founder, owner, and Managing Principal of Sustainable Design Consulting Sandra draws from nearly two decades of advanced experience in sustainable design projects and organizational programs to serve developers, architects and builders with expert green building/ LEED consulting and process management
Housing has a BIG carbon footprint
How will our Homes be different in 2020 ?
Housing Virginia Video Presentations GREEN by Sandra Leibowitz Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
What is the overall impact that GREEN will have on our quality of life in 2020 ?
Housing Virginia Video Presentations GREEN Boost in Quality of Life by Sandra Leibowitz Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
GREEN is now Mainstream 45% of AEC firms expect to have green jobs by 2014, in line with the green building market share of 48%-50% by 2015.
GREEN housing is Mainstream Bye-bye McMansions. Hello modest, energy efficient homes in walkable communities. The era of bigger is better, fueled by fictitious wealth, has ended. Thats why Nashville builder Larry Chastain is leading the way in building smaller homes, without extra bedrooms and bonus rooms that people dont use but have to heat. Hes making spaces more functional while giving buyers a home with the highest green certification. Nashville Business Journal
Urban / village living is green and growing.
Housing Virginia Video Presentations New Urbanism by Sandra Leibowitz Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
Locational trends are CLEAR
More energy efficient materials and design will increasingly be the rule in home constrution.
Housing Virginia Video Presentations New Standards in Energy Efficiency & Materials by Sandra Leibowitz Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
Higher quality, more durable materials will also be the rule.
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Increase in Quality and Durability of Materials by Sandra Leibowitz Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
Changing the mindset about affordability and quality.
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Quality and Cost of Building Materials by Sandra Leibowitz Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
Maintaining / expanding community support for affordable housing requires good quality and design.
Cost vs. savings
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Cost vs. Savings in GREEN Building by Sandra Leibowitz Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
Green housing: Why should LMI households care?
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Affordability of GREEN Building by Sandra Leibowitz Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
Home size begins decline
Size will matter in the future… Less of this… More of this…
Shift towards smaller, urban homes
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Smarter Urban Living by Sandra Leibowitz Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
Why houses Will get smaller Affordability is important in age of frugality Energy costs will continue to rise Aging boomers will DOWNSIZE Millennials: Big house / big yard. Tighter credit for big mortgages Small-home buyers don't have to sacrifice… better home design / multi purpose spaces.
The Age Wave & Green Design: Aging in place Aging in new places
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Aging in Place by Sandra Leibowitz Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
3 rd party certifications: Confusing for consumers ?
Housing Virginia Video Presentations Future of GREEN Certification in Housing by Sandra Leibowitz Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
Three important policy tools to advance sustainability in housing
Housing Virginia Video Presentations 3 Policy Goals for Sustainable Housing by Sandra Leibowitz Click to view videoClick to view video - Internet connection is required. Disclaimer: Videos in the PowerPoint will not play on a mobile device. Please access these documents from a laptop or desktop to enjoy the complete presentation.
Takeaways: GREEN/Sustainability Consumer preference for GREEN will continue to grow GREEN housing is more affordable…in the long run GREEN communities / not just homes Homes will be smaller – more space and energy efficient Urban, suburban village, walkable, transportation focused Construction materials / construction advances will run ahead of codes Technology may outpace user capability in Smart Homes Green certifications will consolidate
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