Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Probation Presentation to AYM- 13th April 2015 Helen Mercer- Director (Youth Justice) Yvonne McGuckian- HM Inspector www.justiceinspectorates.gov.uk/hmiprobation.
Update on revised methodology ‘Project outcome’ Wider system approach focusing on impact rather than process Cross-inspectorate: 8 Inspectorates Consultation period after the election Existing programmes of SQS and FJI will run until at least March 2016
Girls Thematic To assess the effectiveness of youth offending services, in conjunction with other organisations in reducing the likelihood of girls reoffending and in reducing the risk of harm they present to others and making them less vulnerable (with particular reference to alcohol misuse).
Findings There is a great deal of interest about girls in the criminal justice system and people were keen to tell us about the difficulties they faced when working with girls. There was no single consistent approach but the best work was characterised by an approach to assessment and delivery of interventions that recognised that girls often had different needs to boys
Findings When girls used alcohol, it tended to be as a method of coping with difficult and hard to express emotions. Sexual exploitation was an issue in each YOT, welfare needs tended to override the work to address offending. Girls tended not to pose significant harm to others, but in those cases where they did the risk was well managed.
Findings We were particularly concerned about looked after girls, there seemed to be little planning to manage emotional needs (that led to offending) in care plans. Interventions available for girls varied