Terrestrial Resource Plan By:
Deforestation and the Unsustainable Use of Forests Vast areas of forests had diminished in the past years and further loss of natural forest kept on-going till present. Continues loss of old trees in temperate and boreal forest ecosystems. Loss of forest quality due to pollution and other injurious agents. Forest clearing and burning. A decline in forest quality had caused a productivity losses in many countries, Eastern Europe had an estimated loss of $30 billion per year. Forest burning is estimated to account at about 30 % of yearly total carbon emissions. (Deforestation and Sustainable Unsustainable Use of forest, Retrieved March 7,2008, website: http://www.gdrc.org/uem/mea/factsheets/fs6.html)
Deforestation and the Unsustainable Use of Forests Impacts of Unsustainable Use of Forests: Loss of large forest areas. Loss of soil fertility. Increase soil erosion in deforested areas. Loss of significant carbon stores. Increase in temperatures. Loss of natural habitat of naturally occurring plants and animals. Increase number of population caused an increase in demand of forest products. Technological advances and economic and other forms of development greatly caused forest exploitation and forest lands had been converted into different utilities as in mining, agriculture, and other commercial projects.
Sustainability Plan Action Items: My plan is to organize a community program which will initially act to sustain a more stable forest area through replanting a naturally occurring plants, implement measures of conservation, protection, and cultivation of a natural and productive forests. The area has to be assessed to make a brief report, schedule a presentation, invite the community members, and research on the short and long term effects of diminished forests. Before initiation of the plan, prospective good leaders that can help on the program should be appointed and as needed required permission from the local government has to be sought. Funding to start with the program needs to be planned ahead.
Sustainability Plan Assess the area through a geographical survey. Action Items Action Steps Timeline Assess the area through a geographical survey. Form an initial group to physically assess the deforested area. Record all the geographical survey outcome. Observe and analyze the main factors that caused the issue. Find prospective factors that will be beneficial in carrying out the plan. Months 4 – 6. Make a brief report and a schedule a presentation after due approval, inviting the community to know the facts. All the facts found during the survey has to be presented and make the community to understand the effects and the future impacts of forest issues. The effects on environment, productivity, safety, health, and many aspects pertaining to the area should be extensively discussed to call on the awareness of the community. 1-2 Schedule and arrange for area tours. To see is to believe. A community tour will help them understand better the situation. Proper explanation and dissemination of facts while on tour must be kept going emphasizing future visions. 1 - 2 Make regular meeting and presentation schedules. All important existing facts and future aspects has to be fully understood gradually by every member, by that, cooperation and participation will be facilitated. 2 - 4 Start organizing a program involving community members. Membership will be kept open for all. This small group will be the start of a civic group that is hoped to act on implementing the plan and address the forest issues on the area for a long term basis. Long Term Basis
Challenges on Sustainability Plans Less community involvement and participation. Community participation is the key to success of the program. Pessimism and passive reaction of the individuals will make the plan less successful. Uncontrollable forest access by any individual or a corporate group. Collaboration with the government of the plan is very essential. Failure to implement restriction rules and laws will nullify the plan. Adequate funds is needed for the plan to push through. Inadequate source of fund will be a great crisis and will make the plan difficult to achieve.