Seven Secrets to Success – Library Computers In order to get to the Mesabi Range College Library home page, or to access the Internet, youll obviously need a computer! There are 20 computers located throughout the Library for your use.
Seven Secrets to Success – Library Computers The Library computers are set up with such applications as Microsoft Word, Access, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe Reader, QuickTime and Fire Fox.
Seven Secrets to Success – Library Computers Most computers are sound-enabled, but you are required to use headphones if you are using sound.
Seven Secrets to Success – Library Computers Headphones are available for check out at the Circulation Desk…
Seven Secrets to Success – Library Computers Or, for a minimal price, you can purchase your own set of headphones from the Mesabi College Bookstore.
Seven Secrets to Success – Library Computers You will be required to log in to the computer using your 8 digit Tech ID and your computer password – Remember these are different from your 14 digit Library barcode and your Library password!
Seven Secrets to Success – Library Computers Library computers are available on a first-come basis.
Seven Secrets to Success – Library Computers However, students needing computers for classroom research and coursework…
Seven Secrets to Success – Library Computers …take priority over ing…
Seven Secrets to Success – Library Computers …social computing…
Seven Secrets to Success – Library Computers …or computer games.
Seven Secrets to Success – Library Computers Wireless computer access is also available in the Library…
Seven Secrets to Success – Library Computers …which means you can bring in your own laptop to use!
Seven Secrets to Success – Library Computers There are several places to plug in your laptop to save on battery power or recharge your computer!
Seven Secrets to Success – Library Computers Come in and use the Library computers for all your study needs! Thats another great secret to success!!