Note-taking Tips for Students
Choose a note-taking format and stick with it Cornell Interactive notes Two-column Split page Key word
Sit where you can see Avoid distractions Teacher or Chalk board or white board Overhead screen Avoid distractions Hallway noise Friends Outside windows
Taking notes from a text: Use text structure to identify key points. Rely on titles, heading, subheadings and bold words Use any end of chapter questions to signal important understandings
For each class, use a separate notebook section To make reviewing notes easier, write notes on only the front side of each page.
Start notes with new date Use chapter titles and subheadings as section breaks in your notes
Use your own words to capture the main ideas and key details OR Follow specific format , if required
Use lots of space Skip lines Leave extra wide margins Creates space to add details/other information later Information is more visible as you review your notes
Develop abbreviations or shortcuts Saves time Keep a list to remember the abbreviations
Read and review notes frequently At least once every couple of days When reviewing, use a highlighter to underline big ideas Add information that will clarify the topic
Study notes with a parent or friend Before a test or quiz Emphasize highlighted notes, underlined or repeated information