HawaiiCommunityFoundation College Scholarships
About HCF Scholarship Program HCF administers over 170 scholarships HCF distributes over $4.5M in scholarships annually to students attending a college or university in Hawaii or on the mainland, making HCF the third largest private provider of post-secondary scholarships in the State In 2012, 1600 students received at least one scholarship from HCF The average scholarship award in 2012 was $2,200
Eligibility General Eligibility Criteria Most scholarships have the following criteria: –Be a resident of Hawaii –Attend an accredited 2- or 4-year college/university –Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 –Demonstrate financial need Examples of Specific Eligibility Requirements -Specific Majors -Geographic Areas -Specific High Schools: Vicki Willder Scholarship -Ethnicity -Specific Colleges
Supporting Documents Required: 1.Personal Statement (copy/paste onto application) What are your reasons for attending college? Why did you choose your course of study? What are your career goals? 2.Complete Student Aid Report (SAR) from FAFSA (upload) 3.Most current Grade Transcript including your FALL semester grades (upload) * Optional: -Two Letters of Recommendation -Essays * Required for some scholarships
Why Hawaii Community Foundation? Students have the potential of being matched to multiple scholarships by completing one online application Students can electronically upload supporting documentation to their application… NO NEED TO MAIL IN ANY DOCUMENTS! Students can requests to recommenders for electronic Letters of Recommendation
Helpful Tips 1.Prepare Personal Statement early (2 pages) 2.Fill out FAFSA in January or use estimated numbers FAFSA = FREE Application for Federal Student Aid 3.Save pdf file of the SAR for easy upload onto application SAR = Student Aid Report 4.iPad okay for filling out application, but should use desktop computer/laptop for scanning and uploading documents 5.Notify recommenders that they need to fill out their LOR via
How to Apply Online application opens on December 10, 2012 Go to Create your Student Profile Application Gather your Supporting Documents Submit everything ONLINE Deadline to complete application: February 22, 2013
Timeline December 10, 2012: Online application opens, search scholarships for eligibility criteria December 10, 2012: Request permission to request for LOR, prepare Personal Statement and Essays (required for some scholarships), gather tax statements January 2013: Fill out FAFSA form, request Grade Transcripts to upload to application February 22, 2013: Deadline to complete and submit application April – July 2013: Award selections made and award s sent to recipients August 2013: First disbursement mailed to schools December 2013: Second disbursement mailed to schools
Contact HCF Scholarships Phone: or (toll free) Website: