Nov. 30- Dec. 1 World Literature
Monday, Nov. 30th Finish the film about fate and free will: The Adjustment Bureau Handout the essay question on Oedipus the King Due tomorrow: the bonus reflection question on the film at the bottom of the essay sheet Tomorrow: we will work on the essay for Oedipus the King
Tuesday & Wednesday, Dec. 1 and 2
Essay for Oedipus the King What you have to prove about the tragic hero, Oedipus: …that fate and free will together cause the ruin of a man with a tragic flaw: the inability to “see” and “accept” the truth.
Introduction: See the front board All literary essays should give the following information in introductions: * Author/title of the literature piece * Time period and reason why it was written * Briefly give a summary / overview of what the piece is about * Key concepts should be referenced [ like fate, free will, Oedipus as a tragic hero with a tragic flaw—the inability to see the truth ] * The LAST sentence is the THESIS STATEMENT:
THESIS STATEMENT In the play, Oedipus the King, by Sophocles, the tragic hero Oedipus learns from experiences of both fate and free will that one must ultimately be willing to see and accept the truth of one’s own life.
Body Paragraph #1: FATE How is Oedipus impacted by FATE / the will of the gods? Explain it and PROVE it by finding two quotes from the play Citation format after you quote the play: ( page number only). How does his tragic flaw [ inability to see the truth ] work with FATE? How does FATE help to teach him a life lesson?
Body Paragraph #2: FREE WILL How is Oedipus impacted by FREE WILL / his own choices? Explain it and PROVE it by finding two quotes from the play Citation format after you quote the play: ( page number only). How does his tragic flaw [ inability to see the truth ] work with FREE WILL? How does FREE WILL help to teach him a life lesson?
Conclusion Strong essay conclusions have the following: 1. Restates the overall essay topic/question and uses the author’s name and the title of the literary piece again [ but in a diff. way from intro] Reaffirms the key points you wanted to make BIG THING: the final sentences say what is learned or explain how the viewer of the play [or reader of the literary piece] learns something on a larger scale –what’s the take-away???
Handwritten Papers: …include your name, date, hour in the upper left corner …have a unique title related to the topic …are written in pen …skip every other line …use one side of the paper …have titles of plays, novels, films underlined …are stapled
Typed Papers: …follow MLA format …include your name, date, hour in the upper left corner …have a unique title related to the topic …are printed in black / size 12 font for everything …may use one side of the paper or both sides …have titles of plays, novels, films in italics …are stapled if needed
Both papers…. AVOID: INCLUDE: A formal tone and word choices Complete sentences Lead-ins to quotes which explain what’s happening at that moment in the story and who is talking to whom Citations of quotes Write out words: do not, will not, cannot, it is, etc…. Casual, informal “like I’m talking to a friend” tone and word choices Phrases, abbreviations, lists instead of explaining ideas Using personal pronouns: “I, me, we, us” Using contractions: don’t, won’t, can’t, it’s, etc…
Thursday, Dec. 3: Watching the beginning of Hamlet: Act 1
Due at the end of the hour: 3: Three questions you have so far about the story 2: Two observations you have made about Hamlet and his relationship with two different characters 1: One prediction you will make about Hamlet and one other character