Revolutions of 1848: England


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Presentation transcript:

Revolutions of 1848: England - George Siokas and Arpita Patnaik

Overlook Different perspectives Rights > Privileges Pax Britannia Mistress of Seas Understanding b/w industrialists

Population growth effects Population growth  Unemployment  Migration Income Poverty Slums Environmental conditions Tuberculosis Cholera

Food Daily food problems Shortages Irish Famine Cost

Liberalism Ideas Further advanced by Rousseau Social Contract

Revolutions Revolutions took place almost all around Europe Austria France Germany Italy

How England avoided their respective revolution. Working Labor Movement Chartism Repeal of Corn Law (British Mercantalism) Reform act of 1832 English Factory Acts

Acts passed Chartism Repeal of Corn Law Political and social reform in the UK Six Points of the Charter Leeds and Sheffield Repeal of Corn Law Initial intent “No” to foreign corn!

Other Acts Reform act of 1832 English Factory Acts changes to the electoral system Manufacturers’ importance English Factory Acts Limits women’s and children’s working time