Point 6. Collection of data on new crime types : Trafficking in human beings Doc.CR/WG2011/8 Working Group on Crime Statistics 9-10 June 2011
‘New crime types’ Several further ‘new crime types’ where statistical data are required, are included both in the old Action Plan and the new draft (Doc. CR/WG2011/1, section 4) As these are new areas, initial difficulties may be expected (as for money-laundering): definitions selection of indicators data sources Working Group on Crime Statistics 9-10 June 2011
‘Trafficking in human beings in Europe’ guidelines Documents provided ‘Trafficking in human beings in Europe’ guidelines ‘List of national rapporteurs or equivalent’ ‘Data to be provided for 2008, 2009, 2010’ (Excel file) Working Group on Crime Statistics 9-10 June 2011
Proposed indicators : 1. Information on victims 1.1 Number of victims by registering organisations 1.2 Number of victims by age group 1.3 Number of victims by gender 1.4 Number of victims by gender and age group 1.5 Number of victims by form of exploitation. 1.6 Number of victims by gender and form of exploitation 1.7 Number of victims by gender and nationality 1.8 Number of victims by gender and country of recruitment 1.9 Number of victims received assistance by gender 1.10 Number of victims given a reflection period by gender 1.11 Number of victims given residence permit by gender Working Group on Crime Statistics 9-10 June 2011
Proposed indicators : 2. Police data on suspected traffickers 2.1 Number of suspected traffickers by gender 2.2 Number of suspected traffickers involved in Organised Crime 2.3 Number of suspected traffickers by form of exploitation 2.4 Number of suspected traffickers by nationality and gender Working Group on Crime Statistics 9-10 June 2011
Proposed indicators : 3. Data on prosecuted traffickers 3.1 Number of prosecuted traffickers by gender 3.2 Number of prosecuted traffickers by nationality and gender 3.3 Number of prosecuted traffickers by form of exploitation 3.4 Number of finalised human trafficking prosecutions Working Group on Crime Statistics 9-10 June 2011
Proposed indicators : 4. Court data on convicted traffickers 4.1 Number of convicted traffickers by gender 4.2 Number of convicted traffickers by form of exploitation Working Group on Crime Statistics 9-10 June 2011
Please give us your opinions on : The choice of indicators The availability of data The feasibility of the procedure involving ‘national rapporteurs’ The resources involved Working Group on Crime Statistics 9-10 June 2011