Diagramming Sentences …adding prepositional phrases 12/6/2018 3:40 PM Diagramming Sentences …adding prepositional phrases © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Remember diagramming’s Prime Directive: Modifiers go underneath that which they modify… and prepositional phrases are simply modifiers…
Prepositions start prepositional phrases They are often followed by an adjective or two, but they ALWAYS end with a noun or pronoun, which is called the object of the preposition (OP) Nouns/pronouns always go on straight lines Adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions go on diagonal lines Every phrase is diagrammed in the same basic format: preposition Obj. of the preposition Adjective
Determine the preposition, the OP, and any adj Diagram : in the rain prep adj OP Determine the preposition, the OP, and any adj Draw the prepositional phrase form Place the preposition on the diagonal line Place the OP on the straight line Place any adjectives on the diagonal line under the OP in rain the
Next, you have to determine whether the prepositional phrase modifies the subject part or the verb part of the sentence If the phrase gives you additional information about the subject, it goes under the subject and is therefore an ADJECTIVE phrase since the subject is a noun or pronoun It will usually come immediately after the noun/pronoun it describes Take the entire construct, and attach it to the subject line as follows: S V prep OP Adj
Diagram the following sentence: The girl with the pink bow sang beautifully. Adj S prep phrase V adv First, determine the S and V, then any prepositional phrases, and then determine adverbs and adjectives Decide whether the prepositional phrase is describing the subject, (girl) or the verb (sang) Draw your baseline appropriately and add the cross line Then place your S and V, and draw the diagonal lines necessary Place your prepositional phrase and modifiers appropriately girl sang The with bow beautifully pink the
Diagram the following sentences: The boy in the black hat argued ferociously. The girls in the science class studied furiously. The lonely dog in the kennel barked loudly.
If you determine that a prepositional phrase is describing or modifying the verb (telling how, when, where, or why), it is then an ADVERB phrase and the entire construct goes under the verb The diagram will then look like this: S V prep OP Adj
Diagram the following sentence: We ran quickly through the park. S V adv prep phrase Determine the S and V, the prep phrase, and any modifiers Determine what the prep phrase is modifying If it is telling you about the verb—how, when, where or why, the entire prep. phrase construct goes under the verb. Draw the appropriate base line and cross line Draw diagonal lines for modifiers and your prepositional phrase construct We ran through quickly park the
Diagram the following sentences: The wet dog sat in the pouring rain. The sporty, red car stopped at the light. Shannon shopped at the mall with her friends.
To really complicate the issue… Sticking to the rule that modifiers go underneath that which they modify, some prepositional phrases modify the object of another prepositional phrase For example: The girl in the red dress with blue dots danced wildly. Adj S prep phrase prep phrase V Adv Determine the S and V, prep phrases and modifiers The first prep phrase describes ‘girl,’ and the second phrase describes ‘dress’ girl danced The in dress wildly red the with dots blue
Diagram the following sentences: 1. Tony ran in the park by his house. 2. The cat with a brown spot on its tail ran down the street.