Present Perfect Used to Past Continuous Unit 3 – Lesson 13 Present Perfect Used to Past Continuous
When to use it When something happened in the past, but it is not important when it happened Examples: I have visited South America. We have gone to secondary school. She has called her brother.
When to use it When something started in the past and is still going on Examples: We have lived here since 2001. I haven’t been to grandma for two weeks. He has waited at the bus stop for three hours.
Keywords Aan bepaalde woorden kun je ‘zien’ dat je de Present Perfect moet gebruiken. Enkele daarvan zijn samen te vatten in ‘fyne jas’. Fyne jas = For Yet Never Ever Just Already Since Als er helemaal geen tijdsaanduiding in de zin staat is het vaak een Present Perfect!
Form Affirmative Subject + have / has + past participle Examples: The meeting has already started. He has gone to visit his friend. They have watched that film. Third row of irregular verbs list
Form Negative Subject + haven’t / hasn’t + past participle Examples: I haven’t seen him for ages. He hasn’t visited his grandmother. The teacher hasn’t arrived yet. Third row of irregular verbs list
Form Questions have / has + subject + past participle Examples: Have you ever had an operation? What have you done to your hair? Has the postman been yet? Third row of irregular verbs list
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Present Perfect Used to Past continuous Unit 3 – Lesson 13 Present Perfect Used to Past continuous
Used to We use 'used to' for something that happened regularly in the past but no longer happens. I used to smoke a packet a day but I stopped two years ago. Ben used to travel a lot in his job but now, since his promotion, he doesn't. I used to drive to work but now I take the bus. We also use it for something that was true but no longer is. There used to be a cinema in the town but now there isn't. She used to have really long hair but she's had it all cut off. I didn't use to like him but now I do.
Subject + used to + infinitive + rest ‘used to’ is always followed by the infinitive Subject + used to + infinitive + rest Examples My dad used to drive me to school but now I cycle. I used to read romantic novels but now I like sci-fi. Uncle John used to tell funny jokes but now he isn’t funny any more.
Used to
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Present Perfect Used to Past continuous Unit 3 – Lesson 13 Present Perfect Used to Past continuous
When to use it Past actions that are now finished and have duration (often with time expression) Examples: It was raining all day. Yesterday evening, I was watching television. We were working in the garden.
Signalwords Because the Past Continuous is about a period of time in the past, while is a typical signalword. While we were watching TV, Andy was surfing the internet. Anne was writing a letter while Steve was reading the New York Times. The Past Continuous is also used when you know something in the past took some time. Peter was reading a book yesterday evening. I was watching a film when mum cooked dinner.
Affirmative was/were + verb- ing Examples: I was working. You were digging. He was going. We were arriving. They were trying.
wasn’t / weren’t + verb-ing Negative wasn’t / weren’t + verb-ing Examples: I wasn’t working very hard. You weren’t thinking. They weren’t trying. She wasn’t swimming.
was/were + subject + verb-ing Questions was/were + subject + verb-ing Examples: Were you working hard? Was he thinking? Were they swimming? Was I trying?
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