Gokul Varadhan Naga Govindaraju Ocean Modeling Gokul Varadhan Naga Govindaraju
Proposal for the project Model ocean waves Adopt Fournier-Reeves model [Fournier & Reeves] Particle systems Realistic looking waves Realistic motion of the waves Range of waves and other effects such as wind, shallow bottom etc Model interaction of moving rigid objects with the ocean Say a ship moving in the sea How do ocean and object affect each other’s motion ? Model buoyancy
Ocean-object interaction Partitioned Dynamics [Baraff & Witkin] Combining particle systems with rigid bodies Gamasutra article [Jensen & Golias] http://www.gamasutra.com/gdce/jensen/jensen_01.htm This paper is in the context of combining cloth simulation with rigid bodies.
References [Fournier & Reeves ] Fournier, A., Reeves, W.T., A Simple Model of Ocean Waves, ACM Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '86 Proceedings) , pp.75--84, 1986. [Baraff & Witkin ] D. Baraff and A. Witkin, Partitioned Dynamics, Technical Report CMU-RI-TR-97-33, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, 1997. [Jensen & Golias] Lasse Staff Jensen and Robert Golias. "Deep-Water Animation and Rendering". http://www.gamasutra.com/gdce/jensen/jensen_01.htm