1H1 waterfall 12/6/2018
1H2 waterfall 12/6/2018
2H1 waterfall 12/6/2018
2H2 waterfall 12/6/2018
2A waterfall 12/6/2018
3HA waterfall 12/6/2018
3H2 waterfall 12/6/2018
Harmonics of 4021 (~ BPFI) 12/6/2018
4021 spacing 12/6/2018
1x sidebands 12/6/2018
peaks fit the patter m. F +/-n. 1X where F= 4013. 5 (close to BPFI peaks fit the patter m*F +/-n*1X where F= 4013.5 (close to BPFI**), 1X=324 <-22F+2X=88945 <-26F-2X=103703 <-21F+2X=84932 <-24F+2X=96972 <-23F-2X=91663 <-27F-1X=108041 <-28F+1X=112702 <-14F-1X=55865 <-17F-1X=67906 <-19F-2X=75509 <-5F-1X=19744 <-11F+1X=44,475 <-18F+2X=72891 <-29F+1X=116716 <-10F+1X=40,459 <-2F+1X=8351 <-3F-1X=11,717 <-4F+1X=16378 <-1F+1X=4338 <-6F-1X=23,757 <-7F+1X=28419 <-9F-1X=35798 ** 4013.5/324=12.39 orders BPFI = 12.34 orders Accel in g’s pk/0 12/6/2018
TWF 12/6/2018
TWF ringdwon ~ 102400 cpm 12/6/2018