World Religions (Western)
*So many different religions around the world… Monotheism- Belief in one God Polytheism- Belief in Many Gods Atheism- Disbelief in God(s) Sect- Division of a religion Theology-Study of Religion
Judaism monotheistic religion founded by Israelites important people: Moses and Abraham Call God Yahweh God is good and just – reward good, punish bad Sacred text: Torah believe a messiah will save them worship in synagogues
Judaism Judaism’s three different sects: Sacred Site- Western Wall -The remains of the second temple of Jerusalem Hanukkah- Holiday celebrated over 8 days. Use a menorah to celebrate 8 days Judaism’s three different sects: Reform- relaxed Orthodox- strict Conservative-strict but relaxed
Christianity Monotheistic Started from a movement within Judaism Began with death of Jesus in 33 A.D. believe Jesus was the prophesied messiah, son of God, and rose from dead
Christianity Believe in Holy Trinity – God, Jesus and Holy Spirit Holy Book is Bible -Old Testament (Jewish teachings and New Testament(teachings of Jesus)
Christianity 3 sects: Roman Catholicism -led by pope, first sect *faith and good works lead you to salvation Eastern Orthodox -broke away from Catholicism over Politics in 1000 A.D. Protestantism -broke away from Catholic church with Martin Luther in 1500 A.D. *faith alone leads you to heaven
Islam Islam – monotheistic religion started by Muhammad Muhammad received God’s final revelation during meditation followers known as Muslims God revealed his plan through a series of prophets (Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad)
Islam Faith Five Pillars of Islam Where is Islam? Five Pillars of Islam belief – in one God and Muhammad is his prophet pray – 5 times a day facing Mecca charity fasting – fast from dawn to dusk during the season of Ramadan pilgrimage
Sects of Track Holy Book: Quran two sects of Islam: Shi’a – accept only descendents of Muhammad as rulers (religious rulers) Sunni – accept any one who is chosen as rulers
Pilgrimage Each Muslim must visit Mecca in their lifetime Kaaba – a cube-shaped building believed to be site of first structure built by Adam and Eve contains the sacred Black Stone, believed to have fallen from Heaven Located in Saudi Arabia