Correlation Correlation: a measure of the extent to which two variables change together. How well does A predict B? The correlation may be positive, negative, or have no relationship.
Correlation A positive correlation is expressed when both variables move in the same direction. Variable A goes up when variable B goes up Variable A goes down when variable B goes down
Correlation A negative correlation is expressed when the variables move in the opposite direction. Variable A goes up and variable B goes down Variable A goes down and Variable B goes up
The strength of the correlation is stated as a correlation coefficient -1.0 -.5 +.5 +1.0 Negative Correlation Positive Correlation No Correlation
Correlation Correlations are graphed on a scatter plot.
Does this represent a positive or negative correlation?
Correlation and Causation Correlation helps predict, but it does not imply cause and effect. Association does not prove causation. Correlation indicates the possibility of a cause/effect relationship, but doesn’t prove it.
Genuine correlation studies can help researchers. Move beyond observation to organizing information to look for patterns and relationships between variables. But cannot determine cause and effect.
Illusory Correlations Illusory Correlation is the perception of a relationship where none actually exist. Perceived non-existent correlation A random coincidence
Illusory Correlations Illusory Correlation about conceiving children after adopting Conceive Do not conceive Adopt Confirming evidence Disconfirming evidence Do not adopt
Female Emotionality Illusory Correlations Were the participants emotional? Yes No Were the participants women?
Illusory Correlations Feline high-rise syndrome 132 cats admitted to Animal Medical Center Falls ranged from 2 to 32 stories Only 8 died from injuries High number of auto accidents during rush hour The checkout line you join is slowest Elevator headed in wrong direction
Illusory Correlations Psychic predictions Out of sync relationships You want to go out, friend/partner wants to stay at home You tend to see what you are looking for