Every book will teach you something
The word sepulchre (a small room or monument, cut in rock or built of stone, in which a dead person is laid or buried)
About the Napoleonic Wars
How it feels to lose someone you love
I don’t like this kind of book
Reminds me of all the things I haven’t done
Lived in the Victorian age Been to California Lived in the Victorian age Married a prince Been elected to office But through books I can understand, or even experience, all these things
… Things I don’t know 9
Steve Jobs has been reported by The New York Times to have been a passionate reader of William Blake’s literary pieces.
Phil Knight, the founder of Nike, has his own library and insists that people leave their shoes behind before entering it.
Winston Churchill did not win a Nobel Prize for peace but for literature.
Reading makes you smarter Top right; bottom left (and read across the row)
Reading helps you to improve your vocabulary (cf thesaurus errors and reading the dictionary) From reading, you can develop improved writing skills. Improved skills of analysis; critical thinking Breaks continuum of everyday – makes us stop and think Greater tranquility
Read often + enjoy reading + read good books = smarter, happier, more successful