How would you define LIFE?
Where are we?
Unit 1 – BIOLOGY IS LIFE The study of life NOTEBOOK BIOLOGY IS LIFE VOCABULARY _____ species 1. Molecule that makes part of the genetic material. _____ cell 2. Scientific study of all forms of life. _____ metabolism 3. Composition of all living things and all the places they are found on Earth. _____ Biology 4. Variety of life across the biosphere. _____ biosphere 5. Particular type of living thing that can reproduce by interbreeding among themselves. _____ biodiversity 6. Basic unit of life. _____ DNA 7. Any individual living thing. _____ organisms 8. Chemical processes that build up or break down materials.
Unit 1 – BIOLOGY IS LIFE The study of life Activity. Arrange the words according to their level of inclusiveness: Biodiversity, biosphere, species. _______ ________
Unit 1 – BIOLOGY IS LIFE The study of life NOTEBOOK Activity. Complete the chart with the information on pages 5 to 6. COMMON CHARACTERISTICS TO ALL LIVING ORGANISMS Characteristic Description Example/Drawing Cells Need for energy Response to environment Reproduction and development