Warm Up What was the James-Lange Theory? What was the Cannon Bard Theory? What was the Schacter Theory? What is a polygraph? What is Catharsis? What is the feel- good, do –good Phenomenon? What is Subjective Well Being?
What Makes you Stressed?
Chapter 14 pt. 2: Stress and Health Continued
Persistent Day to Day Stress May Lead to Burnout Burnout: physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion brought on by persistent job-related stress. Often common in teachers, nurses, and police officers.
Stress and Heart Disease Although relatively rare in 1900, by the 1950s coronary heart disease has become the leading cause of death in America. Coronary Heart Disease: when vessels of heart are clogged which stops heart muscles from being nourished. Many behavioral factors help contribute to this disease but stress is also a major factor.
Hopelessness and Heart Disease scores 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 Heart attack Death Low risk Moderate risk High risk Men who feel extreme hopelessness are at greater risk for heart attacks and early death
Personality Type and Heart Disease Type A Personality: competitive, hard driving, impatient, verbally aggressive, and anger prone people. Type B Personality: easy-going and relaxed people. Whose at greater risk for heart disease?
Stress Related Illnesses Psychophysiological Illnesses: “mind-body” illnesses. Physical illnesses caused by stress. Ex: Hypertension and some headaches. Blood pressure also increased by too much stress. Are also referred to as Psychosomatic disorders.
Somatoform Disorders (Not In Book) Somatoform Disorder: illnesses where you have some physical symptoms without an apparent physical cause. Illnesses are said to be psychological in nature. Theories about causes of somatoform disorders are often rooted in psychoanalytic theory. Illnesses are often referred to as “Hysteria.”
Examples of Somatoform Disorders Conversion: when a person converts intense emotional difficulties into the loss of a specific physiological function. Ex: blindness or paralysis without a physical cause. Symptoms often have sudden onsets, terminations, and reappearances. Behavior is unintentional and and outside of the conscious control of the patient.
Examples of Somatoform Disorders Hypochondriasis: is when a healthy person becomes preoccupied with imaginary ailments. Person is genuinely convinced they are ill. Often associated with OCD and anxiety disorders
Examples of Somatoform Disorders Factitious Disorder: an illness whose symptoms are either self-induced or falsified by the patient. Sometimes patients lie about disorder to get attention or sympathy; others are often interested in receiving drugs or other benefits associated with the feigned illness. Factitious Ulcer
Fighting Disease With Immune System Lymphocytes: Main defender against disease in immune system made up of two types of white blood cells. B lymphocytes form in the bone marrow and release antibodies that fight bacterial infections T lymphocytes form in the thymus and, among other duties, attack cancer cells, viruses and foreign substances
Fighting Disease with Immune System Macrophage: other agent of immune system which identifies, pursues, and ingests harmful invaders.
Problems with Immune System Immune System can either react too strongly or under react to harmful bodies. Over-reaction causes body to attack its own tissues. Ex: arthritis, allergies, lupus, M.S. Under-reaction causes harmful bodies to spread. Ex: cancer Stress can divert energy away from the immune system making illnesses more likely.
Conditioning the Immune System Experiments have been conducted illustrating power to condition the immune system to respond in certain ways. UCS (drug) UCR (immune suppression) CS (sweetened water) CR
Negative Emotions in General Have Negative Health Risks Unhealthy behaviors (smoking, drinking, poor nutrition and sleep) Persistent stessors and negative emotions Release of stress hormones Heart disease Immune suppression Autonomic nervous system effects (headaches, hypertension)
Promoting Health Aerobic Exercise has positive psychological and physical benefits. Increases heart and lung fitness and may also help alleviate depression and anxiety. Depression score 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Before treatment evaluation After treatment No-treatment group Aerobic exercise Relaxation treatment
Using Biofeedback to Improve Health Biofeedback: system for electronically recording, amplifying, and feeding back information regarding a subtle physiological state like blood pressure and muscle tension.
Promoting Health A strong social network which offers support strongly promotes health during an illness and when healthy. % with high support
Promoting Health Spirituality and Faith Communities has a strong correlation with positive health and enhancing medical treatment. Possible reasons behind correlation with religion?
Promoting Health Smoking is a lifestyle decision that offers serious health risks. 33,348 1,686 1,135 556 202 Smoking Suicide Vehicle HIV/ Homicide crash AIDS Cause of death Number of deaths per 100,000
Smoking and Stress
Weight and Health Risks Review Biological Influences on Weight: Body Chemistry influences? Hunger Hormones Hypothalamus issues Genetic Influences? Set Point Metabolism
Weight and Discrimination Willingness to hire scale (from1: definitely not hire to 7: definitely hire) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Women Men Normal Overweight When women applicants were made to look overweight, subjects were less willing to hire
Long Term Weight Loss Is Difficult -20 -15 -10 -5 5 10 1 2 3 4 Weight change in pounds Post treatment Years of follow-up Starting point Normal trend for untreated obese people: Gradually rising weight After participation in behavioral Program: Much of initial weight Loss regained
Correlation with TV and Obesity <2 2-3 >4 Hours of television watched per day in 1990s study Boys Girls 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 Skinfold fat measure (mm)
Overview of Healthy and Unhealthy Tendencies Life events Tendency toward Health Illness Personal appraisal Challenge Threat Personality type Easy going Nondepressed Optimistic Hostile Depressed Pessimistic Personality habits Nonsmoking Regular exercise Good nutrition Smoking Sedentary Poor nutrition Level of social support Close, enduring Lacking
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