Technology in the World Language Classroom Rutgers WLI June 27, 2011 Glennysha Jurado-Moran Spanish/Special Ed. Teacher Edison Public Schools
Dual certified in Spanish and Special Ed. Began teaching career as a GED math/science teacher at East Jersey State Prison Thomas Jefferson Middle School, Edison NJ Special education - language arts, math, social studies & science Spanish - 6th, 7th and 8th grades Edison High School…level 2 and 4H (10 th grade honors) Mommy – 19 month old and 3 year old A little about me…
21 st Century Skills Dept. of Education – 2009 Core Curriculum Standards – 21 st Century Life and Careers Standard YouTube A vision of K12 learners Shift Happens/Did you kow? – Just something for your arsenal
How it began… Sunday Star Ledger – Summer 2006 Didn't even own an iPod & wasn't sure what a podcast was Aware of the love affair between todays youth and iPods World Language classroom offered a natural fit for this technology Winter Applied for FLENJ mini-grant Spring fortunate enough to receive it Thus began the journey
Session Goals What is a podcast How to use podcasting for instruction and assessment How to find, create & publish podcasts What is Voice Thread How to use it Explore classroom applications
Differentiated instruction-audience Novice podcasters Hope to inspire you to play with this technology & add it to your teacher tool box Experienced podcasters Hope to give you more ideas to add to your teacher tool box.
What is a podcast? A web-based form of broadcasting that allows anyone with a computer and/or digital media device to download and listen to content (Secrets of Podcasting, Bart G. Farkas) A digital recording of a radio broadcast or similar program, made available on the Internet for downloading to a personal audio player. (New Oxford American Dictionary)
More… Combination of the words iPod and broadcast It can be a radio show, new music release, monologue or anything else in an MP3 format. A way to selectively subscribe to audio and/or video content over the internet. Can be automatically added to your iPod Its like having DVR/TiVo for your iPod
In simple terms, a podcast is… an audio recording (mp3 file) posted on the internet that anyone can download.
Interesting fact…. The editors of the New Oxford American Dictionary declared "podcasting" the 2005 word of the year.
10 Reasons to use podcasting??? 10. Highly engaging 9.Easy to use 8.Fun way to inspire students 7.Delivers authentic language 6.Enhances instruction 5.Can individualize instruction 4.Accommodate multiple learning styles 3.Easily incorporated to what you are already doing 2.Add another tech. tool to your bag of tricks 1.Your students will think its cool to have an iPod in class
Personal reason for using podcasting… Personal reason for using podcasting… Learning is not a spectator sport! Engages and motivates the students! Tell me and Ill forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I will understand.
Podcasting Instruction & Assessment Podcasting can be used in all three modes of communication. It can be used for instruction and assessment. Easiest way to incorporate podcasting in to your classroom is by using familiar strategies.
Interpretive – Deliver authentic language Benefits Hear proper pronunciation Improves listening and comprehension skills Engages student in active listening/reading Increases vocabulary comprehension Listen and learn at their own pace – Slow down – Fast forward – Go back and listen as many times as you want
Interpretive - TPR Approach Thematic unit on food and the restaurant Free podcast on iTunes Had a lot of translating Just use what you need
Interpretive - TPR Approach (cont.) Taught vocabulary ahead of time (using clip art) Listened to podcast using speakers Stopped podcast occasionally and asked oral comprehension questions Gave them ditto with clip art of vocabulary had students circle the pictures of the vocabulary they heard Gave them written comprehension questions to answer.
Interpretive Use audio podcast the same way you would use authentic interpretive reading materials Instead of pre-teaching vocabulary, use podcast as an opportunity to – listen for context clues – Identify cognates – identify words they know – perhaps make lists of words they would like to know
Interpretive - sample Thematic Unit – Por La Ciudad iTunes U DePaul University – SPOD 2A, Claudia Fernandez Una plaza típica del mundo hispano
Interpretive Thematic unit-Around the city Create podcast where students follow directions on a map of a city Create your own lessons for students to listen to…
Interpretive Thematic Unit – School Life Create podcast about what school supplies they need for the school year Students make a list of the supplies that were mentioned
Interpersonal As a springboard for conversations Similar to information gap - Give students different podcasts on the same topic and have them interview each other Jigsaw puzzle – students listen to different podcasts and then need to speak to a variety of people to get all the information they need to complete a task
Interpersonal Thematic unit – Las Vacaciones Show Time Spanish – Marc & Alba talk about the seasons. ( Lesson 7 Nov 29, 2008) Students were assigned to listen to a specific speaker and then had to interview each other to find out information about the speaker they didnt listen to
Presentational: Benefits of Recording Language Improves fluency and pronunciation Increases comprehension of words and phrases Students can analyze their progress Once recorded, audio can be used multiple purposes (insert in iMovie, Power Point or instruction)
Presentational - instruction Evaluate assessments Play a presentation and analyze it as a class using a rubric – Why is it good? – Why does it need improvement? – How can we make it better? Students can record their presentation and use their rubrics to self assess
Presentational Performance Assessment Probably the easiest way to incorporate podcasting Create a presentation and record GIMMICK- Tell students its to post on a website or enter a contest
School Life Students create a podcast to post on their school website Audience For ESL students Next years incoming class (6 th grade /9 th grade class)
Presentational podcasts Create their own podcast (video podcasts) news report weather report fashion show celebrity homes commercials/infomercials real estate ad restaurant review alternate ending to a story Enter any kind of contest
Save good samples!!!
Weather Report Presentational mode Students created podcast Interpretive mode Students listened to podcast and identified what weather was said Interpersonal Listen to weather reports of various cities and share information to plan a vacation activities
Other ideas for podcasting World Language Clubs Have members become reporters. Find out what is going on around the school and post a weekly, biweekly or monthly podcast in your target language on your schools website. Homework Post listening assignments on a website ( I like wikispaces)
The technical stuff! Where do we get podcasts? How do we make them?
You do NOT need an iPod in order to podcast!!! An MP3 player will do Just using a computer works too Digital Voice Recorders - Easy way to start Podcast is just easier to say than MP3cast
Where do we find podcasts?
Where to find podcasts… Podcast directories are growing every day. iTunes - requires iTunes software – similar to iTunes – Education Podcast Network –look for second languages – Spanish, French, Italian, Chinese, Hindi, Greek, language courses Universities/Colleges video with transcripts by topic Regular web search
BE PREPARED TO SEARCH FOR THE CONTENT YOU WANT!!! It can be time consuming…but worthwhile Great summer project Dont overwhelm yourself. My original goal was to add one a year and eventually have one in each unit
American culture vs. target language culture What other cultures see as acceptable may not be in sync with American culture Screen content carefully
Began with a search podcasts en español Other languages Yahoo!France Yahoo!Italia Yahoo!German
Universities/Colleges World language/Foreign Language Dept. Some sites have podcasts you can use Also can be found on iTunes U (iTunes store)
iTunes Apple music store on the internet Software is a free download ipod + itunes You do not need an iPod to use iTunes Lets go visit the iTunes store
iTunes Store Look at toolbar across top – Podcasts Click on podcasts. Wait for window to change On right side look for Language Learning
iTunes U Look at toolbar across top – iTunes U Drop down menu Click on Language On right side look for Language Learning
Podcast information Podcast description Listeners also subscribed to… Look at name/description to look for content Length of podcast
iTunes Store…iTunes U On left side: iTunes store Click on iTunes U
iTunes Store…iTunes U On right side: iTunes Power Search
iTunes Store…iTunes U Type in your target language Title Description Each one gives you slightly different results
Subscribing to podcast Its Free Its simple – just click on subscribe. This is under the album cover or where you see the cost on music Makes things easier – youre not spending a lot of time just downloading Currently subscribe to about 17 podcasts and have over 300 in my library
Video podcasts Video podcasts arranged by themes/topic Available in MANY languages Lets check it out!
Using the technology
Using technology (cont.) Listening Creating podcasts – Audio – Video Publishing
Listening to podcasts You can attach speakers to an iPod or MP3 player. Speakers vary in size and price ($5.99-$399) If you have access to the internet you dont even need an iPod. You can play a podcast right from your computer. Be sure computer has iTunes already downloaded Class set of iPods
Tips for class set of iPods Number your iPods Assign students to numbers and have them sign out Pair two students to iPod Use baby wipes to keep earphones sanitary Make downloading podcast a HW assignment
Viewing video podcasts View using iTunes, laptop and LCD projector Connect iPod to TV using cables sold at apple store
Create a podcast… iPod + mic Microphone for iPod Belkin – TuneTalk…$69.99 – Universal mic…$49.95 Griffin – iTalk Pro…$34.97 – iKaraoke …not for recording Blue – Mikey…$44.00 Prices according to
Create a podcast… iPod + mic Attach a microphone to iPod Voice Memos appears on the menu Press enter (center circle) Select quality (High or Low) To begin recording, select Record or Start Recording (Hold mic a few inches away from mouth) Pause = resume, stop & save, delete Saved as voice memo…Title is date and time Download to your iTunes library by syncing (MAC or PC). Then you can change the name
Create & publish a podcast…MAC Using GarageBand use GarageBand to create send your podcast directly to your iTunes library On podcast page of iTunes, – click on submit podcast – click on frequently asked questions. – On left look for tutorial on making podcasts with GarageBand When you buy a MAC you can also buy lessons and they are worth it
Create a podcast…PC Use digital voice recording software to create podcasts (audacity – free download) Use a digital voice recorder Free download Be sure to also download LAME MP3 encoder When saving a file, always save as MP3 Save files on to your PC/flashdrive Need microphone
Toolbar: Icons - like buttons on radios/recorders Place arrow over icon it will tell you function
RECORDING TIPS RECORD - you will see a blue line when recording PAUSE – non-intrusive, avoid long silences STOP – cant re-open file once you hit stop EDIT – use to cut sections
HOW TO SAVE File Export as MP3 Give file name Save on to desktop or flashdrive
DVR – Digital Voice Recorder Use a DVR that allows you to save files on to a computer ($19.99-$99.00) – Olympus – Sony Number your DVRs and assign a number to each student (will be helpful if student forgets to say name during presentation)
Digital Voice Recorder – cont. Record – Make sure volume is high and mic is held close to mouths Plug USB cable in to PC to download Give file a name Save on to flashdrive
Recording Tips Do a practice session so students become familiar with software/equipment. (Save you headaches) Keep identity anonymous and only have students identify themselves with their first name (use target language names) Seat students far enough away to the right & left Use shoe box with USB mics to block out noise interference Tell students they can listen when EVERYONE is done Expect some degree of silliness or giggling when they listen to themselves
More Recording Tips Dont be afraid of your voice Use a script or key words Smile! It will be reflected in your voice energy Close your eyes if you need to
Creating Video Podcast Digital camera – Regular digital camera – Camcorder – Flip camera Editing software – iMovie
Recording Video Podcast Digital camera Camcorder Flip camera
Editing video podcasts PC Windows movie maker Click on start Then all programs MAC iMovie
Publishing a podcast How students can listen with an iPod… You will need an RSS feed – YouTube has tutorials – Basic membership is free – $4.95 monthly-more storage, faster uploads
Need money? APPLY FOR GRANTS!!! FLENJ Mini Grant $1000 NJAET Mini Grant $2000 – The New Jersey Association for Educational Technology is an organization of educators working to promote the use of technology in education (free membership) NJEA – HIPP Grant $500 - $10, 000
Useful YouTube tutorials How to create a podcast (gigafide) Audacity Tutorial:Part I (CCTV Cambridge) Audacity Tutorial:Part II (CCTV Cambridge)
Useful resources – Old School Secrets of Podcasting, Bart G. Farkas KidCast-Podcasting in the classroom, Dan Schmit KidCast-Creative Podcasting, Dan Schmit Educators Podcast guide, Bard Williams NJEA Review – Tool Box, Portable Learning: iPods in the classroom, Oct. 2009
More Resources… YouTube
Summary Find podcasts that align with your curriculum Incorporate them to something you are already doing (i.e. make a presentation in to a podcast) Use them for all three modes of communication Use them for instruction as well as assessment Let podcasts spice up your classroom
Summary Have fun with the technology You dont need a class set of iPods Use speakers Recording options – iPod + attachable mic – GarageBand (MAC) – Audacity – Digital voice recorders
THANK YOU!!! Hope you have been inspired