knowledge is power In emergencies
Sep 2010 – bounced around by the Greendale fault. Rang Wellington Civil Defence – no tools available for community use. An going – 2013 – sense that there is little vision for a national process of building / strengthening community preparedness. Why not a national tool that provides efficiencies at all levels of disaster preparedness & management with low cost built in – use open source mapping/technologies? Met Canterbury Neighbourhood support co-ordinator – who had hundreds of worksheets in multiple spreadsheets, locked on computer and memory sticks. We worked together to create tools for community based CD or Neighbourhood support groups- with strong linkages to councils. This presentation describes the result 3 yrs on. How and why?
Community owned information Tree structure defines who can view, add, modify, delete Kept up to date through involvement and ownership Shares volunteer burden across communities Developed over last three years Dual servers in Christchurch and Auckland – providing safety with information Login is everything – your login and roles dictate which sub-sections you can manage Information can be stored as spreadsheets and printouts (useful when electricity is down) but the power is in its web based platform. Open source base – very significant ongoing cost advantages to councils Gets
Structure is community focussed – with flow of info to/from EoC
Co-ordinators provide a situation report (Rapid Impact Assessment) back to their Councils Emergency Operations Centre. Via smart phone (apps for Android and iphone) in field / or computer at home. EoC and Community co-ordinators can look for resources and skills in the community – find those on maps (free/google maps), send text and s. Filter by area and sub-area. EoC and co-ordinators can also identify known needs in the community – eg those requiring power – bottled oxygen/dialysis. Tools to alert groups with known flood danger, water quality issues etc – ie text/ if a boil water notice is issued Gets Ready – key tools
Flooding in part of a district – co-ordinators provide the situation report. EoC action - theres evacuations and need for emergency accommodation provided by the community… Who offered beds – where are they, how to contact them – maps/texts/ s to send? Community based co-ordinator teams to alert. Theres a need to know who has portable generators? Where are the elderly and those on dialysis / bottled oxygen (by way of example)? Gets Ready – a Scenario
Send via laptop from home, and photos off a camera Send via iphone app free Send via android app – free from google play store. Called sitrep. Only useable by registered members. Example follows – photos, maps. Situation Reports for EoC
Situation Reports provided by community representatives and others
What is happening/where? Map view Maps provide instant codes relating to particular types of issues – filters allow focus. Codes modified by Admin users.
First step for EoC members during emergency - Check Situation Reports from the Community Response Team… (Hint – Red Navigation Bar, SitReps) EoC members can choose to have alerts of new SitReps sent to them directly as texts and / or s. Photos are from a real sitrep in Canterbury, recently
Moving icon to exact location is allowed More explanation above, and we know the photos dont show flood! Detail of a SitRep
Sit Reps (android and i-phone), available to co-ordinators. For example – eg earthquake… report of damage. Take photos, tell the story in a structured manner for EoC action.
Multiple photos Maps provide exact location. Comments provide updates.
An example… Where are the people who have offered portable generators? Hint: Red Nav Bar, Skills & Resources (use both scroll bars on right) These items can be changed by Admin users- through drag and drop process.
Choose from skills, needs, resources –there are two slider bars on right to manage You can filter by one or more locations Click here to search
Person on left, and their co-ordinator on right Note multiple options for the data, includes send text/
Click on any icon to get personal details. Maps allow EoC (and their Community Response Teams) to quickly find community resources close to need. Show results on a map Ready to send a message? Use back arrow.
Send a Txt message and/or Un-tick names if necessary.
A. Red Nav Bar Support Groups /Map/Export Evacuation of ? may be necessary. Warn people via text/ B. Choose ward/area, sub- area(s) etc. C. Select Who, you can choose multiple options. D. View on map, send message etc.
Reminder – When sending requests/info – ask people to check on neighbours… and share information. Gets Ready can print a list of those without s.
Reminder – This is general info, available to the public – agreed civil defence centres AND how to contact Area Co-ordinators
How do we let everyone know quickly? Hint. Red Nav Bar Skills & Resources you must scroll to near bottom of the list. Tick the water supply or the group wanting info sent when a particular catchment is flooding No filtering required as you are sending to all the people on that water supply – choose all.
Info can be sent to Excel so street co-ordinator can modify, as needed, print and hand copies to street members.
Talk to Gets Ready team – or phone Dave Askin Remember this is a community based disaster preparedness system, developed over last three years since we got shaken and stirred by earthquakes. We can put you in touch with users – at council level and in the community – their experience/attitude is what really counts. Our community… Gets Ready