Digtal Pulse-Shape Analyzer Based on Multiple Constant-Fraction Time Intervals Presented at 2016 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium - N28-32 Valentin T. Jordanov Yantel, LLC · Santa Fe, NM · USA
A New Concept for Pulse Shape Analysis – Front-End PSD SCINTILLATOR DIGITAL PSD ADC 16 bit 125 MHz HARDWARE Simple but dedicated analog front-end electronics Clock-event synchronization is not required Works with fast scintillators with pulse shape discrimination capability Can be used with PMT or other light readout devices Implemented in a miniature, low power ( < 1W) portable device - nanoPSD
Neutron-Gamma Experimental Pulse Shapes - 125MHz ADC STILBENE 1.25MeVee 350keVee 125keVee 33keVee
Principle of the New PSD Concept* Ballistic Deficit Based on the gamma-neutron (alpha) difference due to the ballistic deficit in pulse heights Measurement of time intervals between constant fraction points of the pulse amplitude Amplitude independent measurement of multiple time intervals for a single pulse *Patent Pending
Time Interval Linear Filter Constant Fraction Discriminators Pulse Shape Identifier Constant Fraction Thresholds
Low Level Discriminator to Constant Fraction Time Intervals (LLD-CFD) Simple algorithms, easy implementation Real time operation LLD must be set as close as possible to the base line Timing issues with small amplitude pulses Suitable for electron equivalent energies from 50keV to few MeV Requires a separate pile- up rejector
LLD-CFD with Stilbene Detector Size: 35mmx31mm Electron Equivalent Energy Range 200keV to 400keV Figure of Merit 2.5; Neutron to Gamma Intensity 1:18 Electron Equivalent Energy Range 50keV to 200keV Figure of Merit 1.9; Neutron to Gamma Intensity 1:22
LLD-CFD with Plastic Scintillator Eljen EJ-299-33A; Detector Size: 25mmx25mm Electron Equivalent Energy Range 50keV to 1.2MeV Figure of Merit 2.0; Neutron to Gamma Intensity 1:12