Data Teams Implementation Planning Cascade School District 3/16/15 Data Teams Implementation Planning Cascade School District April 2016 Oregon SISEP Team
Objectives: Build shared understanding about implementation science Utilize Tools of the Trade: Forcefield analysis to determine potential next steps Provide an opportunity for supported implementation planning
Using our knowledge of Assessment for Learning (CASL, Stiggins) Where are we going? Where are we now? How can we close the gap?
It’s Really Simple… It all comes back to implementation!
The BIG Why? “The job of every school district is to make certain that supportive conditions are in place to ensure standards-based practices are implemented in every school, in every classroom, every day.” “To ensure all district and school staff understand and implement standards-based practices, district and school leaders must commit to a system-wide infrastructure of support that builds the capacity of teachers and monitors and sustain effective classroom practices.” Scaling Up ODE EBISS 2015 This publication is produced under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Student Achievement and School Accountability Programs (Award #S010A110006-11B) and is intended to be one in a series of tools to guide school districts toward greater understanding and effective implementation of Colorado’s Academic Standards with effective standards-based education practices. © 2012, The Colorado Coalition for Standards-Based Education,TM David J. Benson. Second edition, May 2012. First edition, June 2008.
Implementation Science Frameworks WHO Teams WHEN Stages WHAT Interventions HOW Cycles HOW Drivers
Using our knowledge of Assessment for Learning (- CASL, Stiggins) Where are we going? … Defining the practice
Implementation Science Frameworks WHO Teams WHEN Stages WHAT Interventions HOW Cycles HOW Drivers
Be ready to share your answer Define It... What is a data team? Be ready to share your answer
What are the risks if we “water it down?”
What is close, but not quite? Pair the items on the previous list with a corresponding “Almost” or “No” What are the boundaries by level?
Implementation Science Frameworks WHO Teams WHEN Stages WHAT Interventions HOW Cycles HOW Drivers
Implementation Drivers
Using our knowledge of Assessment for Learning (- CASL, Stiggins) 2. Where are we now? Our current reality... … as a district? … by level/school?
Tools of the Trade: Forcefield Analysis As a table group, take a few minutes to list: Driving Forces (What is helping) Restraining Force (What is hurting) Knowing that our desired outcome is effective data teams that increase student outcomes...
Force Field Analysis Desired Change: Effective data teams that increase student outcomes Driving Forces (+) Restraining Forces (-) Actions: 1. 2. 3.
Tools of the Trade: Forcefield Analysis As a table group, take a few minutes to list: Driving Forces (What is helping) Restraining Force (What is hurting) Knowing that our desired outcome is effective data teams that increase student outcomes...
Other Things to Consider... Assessment Literacy Knowledge and Skills Resources Used/Available Quality/Quantity of Coaching support Time Used/Available Technology Options/Challenges Physical Meeting Space Opportunities/Limitations Level of collaboration? (cooperating? coordinating? or really collaborating? Clarity around expectations Accountability - What are we monitoring? What else?
Forcefield Analysis Tool Restraining Forces: Eliminate anything that is outside of your circle of control Vote for your top 2 most actionable items (#1 ,#2) Driving Forces: Eliminate anything that is outside of your circle of control Vote for your top 2 most actionable items (#1 ,#2)
Time For An Action Plan Select your highest scoring item overall and work together to choose three action steps related to it. Remember you can increase drivers or decrease restraining forces… both will support your goal!
Using our knowledge of Assessment for Learning (- CASL, Stiggins) 3. How can we close the gap?
An inspirational video… Then a leveled brainstorm
A Reminder... Implementation Drivers
Things to Consider... Options for building assessment literacy (SAI) Resources that can be reallocated Increasing coaching support How can we give more time or make the time more efficient? Options for technology supports Adjusting physical meeting space What MUST we monitor? How can we give better feedback Clarifying expectations What else?
Timeline/Plan What do we ALL need? What is level specific? When can we expect to get these things done?
Next Steps/Parking Lot Is there anything else that needs to be added to the list?
Reflection & Feedback Ticket out the Door I want to remember… My next tiny step will be…. My next BIG step will be… Any other feedback you’d like to offer