XA21 V VKLLLRS SN LSGIISPS LGNLSFL RELDLGD NY LSGEIPPE LSRLSRL QLLELSD NS IQGSIPAA IGACTKL TSLDLSH NQ LRGMIPREI GASLKHL SNLYLYk NG LSGEIPSA LGNLTSL qeFDLSF NR LSGAIPSS LGQLSSL LTMNLGQ NN LSGMIPNS IWNLSSL RAFSVRE NK LGGMIPTNA FKTLHLL EVIDMGT NR FHGkIPAS VANASHL TVIQIYG NL FSGIITSG FGrLRNL TELYLWR NL FQTREQDDWGFISD LTNCSKL QTLNLGE NN LGGVLPNSF SNLSTSL sFLALEL NK ITGSIPKD IGNLIGL QHLYLCN NN FRGSLPSS LGRLKNL GILlAYE NN LSGSIPLA IGNLTEL NILLLGT NK FSGWIPYT LSNLTNL LSLGLST NN LSGPIPSE LFNIQTLSIMINVSK NN LEGSIPQE IGHLKNL VEFHAES NR LSGKIPNT LGDCQLL RYLYLQN NL LSGSIPSA LGQLKGL ETLDLSS NN LSGQIPTS LADITML HSLNLSF NS FVGEVPT IGAFAAA SGISIQG NAKLCGGIP xxLxLxx Cf-9 V IaLDLrC SQ LQGKFHSNSS LFQLSNL KRLDLSF NN FTGSLISPK FGEFSnL THLDLSH SS FTGlIPSE ICHLSKL HVLRICD qY gLSLvPYNFELL LKNLTQL ReLNLes VN ISSTIPSN FS SHL TtLQLSG TE LHGiLPER VFHLSNL QSLHLSV NPQLTVRFPTTK WNSSASL MTLYVDS VN IADRIPKS FSHLTSL HELYMGr cN LSGPIPKP LWNLTNI VFLHLGd NH LEGPISH FTiFEKL KRLSLvN NN FDGGLEF LSFNTQL ERLDLSS NS LTGPIPSN ISGLQNL ECLYLSS Nh LNGSIPSW IFSLPSL vELDLSN NT FSGKIQE FKS KTL SAVTLKQ NK LKGRIPNS LLNQKNL QlLLLSH NN ISGHISSA ICNLKTL ILLDLGS NN LEGTIPQCV VErNEYL SHLDLSK NR LSGTINTT FSVGNIl RvISLHG NK LTGKVPRS MINCKYL TLLDLGN NM LNDTFPNW LGYLFQL KILSLRS NK LHGPIKSSGN TNLFmGL QILDLSS NG FSGNLPERI LGNLQTM KEID ESTGFPEYISDpYDIYYNYLTTISTKGQDYDS VRILdSN MIINLSK NR FEGHIPSI IGDLVGL RTLNLSH NV LEGHIPAS FQNLSVL ESLDLSS NK ISGEIPQQ LASLTFL EVLNLSH NH LVGCIPKG xxLxLxx Supplemental Figure 3. The hypervariable sites and positively selected sites in the LRR domains of the Xa21 and Cf-4/9 families. Only the sequences of LRR domains of XA21 and Cf-9 proteins are shown. The LRR alignments of XA21 and Cf-9 are according to the reports of Song et al. (1995) and Parniske et al. (1997), respectively. Hypervariable sites and positive selected sites of Xa21 and Cf-4/9 families are superimposed on the respective sequences of XA21, and Cf-9. Hypervariable sites (seven or more different amino acids found per site) are underlined for Xa21 families. The hypervariable sites (five or six different amino acids found per site) of the Cf-9 LRR domain are underlined according to the report of Parniske et al. (1997). The positively selected sites in which posterior probability is more than 0.9 are in bold, and the sites in which posterior probability is between 0.5 and 0.9 are in lowercase.