Agenda for Phys 121 Common Exam 3 Exam mechanics & scope Common 3 sample exam - solution Open agenda for questions and problems
Exam Mechanics and Scope The exam covers material introduced in lectures 8, 9, and 10. See the syllabus for details and the list of sections covered. There are 16 multiple choice questions on the exam. There are no extra credit questions. Use the formula sheet at the back of the exam. It is the same as the one posted on Janow’s web site under “Common 3 Review Material”. Bring your calculator, extra batteries, and some #2 pencils for marking the SCANTRON form Scantron erasures often cause the machine to mis-read your intent. Mark answer choices on the question booklet first and then on the Scantron when you are sure your answer is final. Turn off cell phones, pagers, and any communication devices or noise makers. Do calculations on the exam paper under each question. If you need more room, use the back of the test paper. You are expected to show some work for most problems although it will not be graded. Suggestion: first work the problems you know how to do, then come back and finish the ones that are doubtful. There is no penalty for guessing on the multiple choice questions.