Question 6 – Medicine paper Thursday, 06 December 2018 Question 6 – Medicine paper How far was the progress made in medicine by Romans continued in the Middle Ages in England? Explain your answer. (16) Always make sure that you underline the key parts of the question.
PLAN 1) Introduction I am going to examine the progress made in medicine during the Roman period and the Middle Ages then assess how far their ideas continued. 2) Continuity Write about medical progress which stayed the same from Roman period to the Middle Ages. 3) Change Write about medical progress which changed from Roman period to the Middle Ages. 4) Conclusion Overall, I believe that the progress made in medicine did not continue much/continued a lot from the Roman period to the Middle Ages because …………………………………………………………..
Mark scheme Level 1 (1-4 marks) Simple statement = Grades G/F/E. Generalised statement about change and continuity or offers limited detail about progress made in medicine. Level 2 (5-8 marks) Developed statement = Grades D/C/. Describes medical progress made between the Roman and Middle age periods. Level 3 (9-12 marks) Analysis = Grade B Identifies examples of change and continuity. Level 4 (13-16 marks) Sustained analysis = Grade A/A* Answer evaluates nature/extent of continuity and change in order to reach a judgement. NO ACCESS TO LEVEL 4 FOR ANSWERS WHICH DO NOT EXPLORE ASPECTS BEYOND THOSE PROMOTED BY THE STIMULUS MATERIAL.