Florida International University Status Report: JLAB Experiment E01-020 Hall A (e,e’p) Studies of the Deuteron at High Q2 Luminita Coman Florida International University Spokespersons: W. Boeglin, M. Jones, P. Ulmer, E. Voutier Ph.D. Students: Luminita Coman - Florida International University Hassan Ibrahim - Old Dominion University - graduated
Content: Short introduction on (e,e’p) reaction Kinematics and Cross Section review Performed Optimizations/Calibrations Applied cuts Cross section results for E01020 experiment RTL response function results Summary
General Diagram of the 2H (e,e’p)n Reaction High momentum q=(q0,q) is transferred to the deuteron nucleus pm = q-pf is the missing momentum
Kinematics q=(,q) where = e-e’ and q=ki-kf Pd=(MD,0) Final state: Pf=(Ep,pf) and PR =(En,pn) Q2= -q2 = q2-2 = 4e.e’sin2(e/2) xBjorken variable: Q2/m. momentum conservation: q + Pd = Pf + PR x = 1 - Tn/mn -2Tn + q.pn/mn. x>1 => PR||q <=> nq close to 00 x<1 => pR||-q <=> nq close to 1800
Theoretical Calculation General Eikonal Approximation Glauber Approximation R Shows that relativistic kinematics are important: The interaction is not instantaneous (the nucleons are at rest - GA)
Optimizations/Calibrations Detector calibrations done: optics, pointing,timing optimization Detector efficiency studies done: VDC efficiency for Q2 = 3.5 GeV/c2 data Scintillator efficiency Cerenkov cut Luminosity studies done: Stable beam analysis React_z dependence
VDC efficiency for Q2 = 3.5 GeV/c2 data Cut on multiplicity in the 4 wire planes: Lmult_uv12>3. && Lmult_uv12<10. Tracks cuts: Exactly one track Eff = 1-track / (3-10) hits (in all planes)
Scintillator Efficiencies Efficiency (%) vs. Run number Electron arm Scintillator Efficiency S1 plane (blue) S2 plane (red)
Determined Appropriate Cuts Cut on z difference : abs(z_diff)<0.015 m Cut on react_z : abs(react_z) < 0.05 m Fiducial cut -combined cut on E_miss, P_miss and Q^2 -10 <E_miss<15 MeV, dp_miss =20 MeV, dQ^2 =0.25 GeV/c^2 A software rectangular cut was applied at the focal plane R function cut : R function was calculated for both experimental data and mceep and compared. Looked at the ratio between Rfn_exp to Rfn_mceep to determine in which range is linear R function cut : 0<rfn<0.03
R - function plot R function Kin e20 Red -experimental Blue - mceep
R - function plot R function Kin f50 Red -experimental Blue - mceep
R - function plot R function Kin f10l Red -experimental Blue - mceep
R - function ratio experimental to mceep Kin d20
Experimental Cross Section Results P_miss = 200 MeV/c From right to left kinematics d20, e20, f20l, g20,h20 Drawn with different marker styles
Experimental Cross Section Results P_miss = 400 MeV/c From right to left kinematics e40, f40l,g40, i40,j40 Drawn with different marker styles
Experimental Cross Section Results P_miss = 500 MeV/c From right to left kinematics d50, f50, g50,j50 Drawn with different marker styles
Cross Section Results: Experimental and Mceep (Laget) P_miss = 200 MeV/c Mceep -blue Experimental - red
Cross Section Results: Experimental and Mceep (Laget) P_miss = 400 MeV/c Mceep -blue Experimental - red
Cross Section Results: Experimental and Mceep (Laget) P_miss 500 MeV/c Mceep -blue Experimental - red
Summary Analysis of the RTL response functions finished Publication under way/thesis defended (Hassan) Mceep simulations done Results for angular distribution of the experimental cross sections close to final