United Nations Regional Workshop on the 2020 World Programme Census planning and management - Maldives National Bureau of Statistics Maldives
Management Committees are established at different levels. The objectives of these committees are: Give assistance in Census publicity and advocacy Ensure adequate and timely availability of census resources; Guide, direct and organize census programme; Monitor and ensure that census procedures are undertaken according to plan; and Coordinate all census activities in the regions. National Bureau of Statistics
Organization chart Chief Coordinator Technical Team Operational Facilitators Deputy coordinators Advisory committee Sectoral Focal Points Daily Progress Monitoring Daily Progress Enumeration and technical Support Regional & Atoll Unit Male’ Unit Local Male’ Unit Foreign Special Areas Task Force Administration and logistics Registration Admin & Logistics Transportation Budget , Security, IT Support Information and Public Relations Information & Media, Walk in Enumeration, Slip Management National Bureau of Statistics
preparation Preparations to conduct census begin 3 years prior to the actual year. Initially budget estimates are proposed to the ministry of finance for approval. Budget is estimated based on a detailed work plan. National Bureau of Statistics
Preparation… Work plan is prepared and a staff to initiate the activity is identified for each activity in the work plan. To identify the date to conduct census, discussions are held at various level on deciding a date for the census. During the process of identifying a date issues like academic holidays and other nation wide events are taken into consideration. National Bureau of Statistics
Consultations are made with relevant institutions to identify what needs to be included in the census questionnaire. Data user workshop is conducted to discuss about technical issues related to census. To prepare the focal points for Atolls, a training is conducted for the selected atoll focal points. To develop capacity among the NBS staff, trainings are held with in the institution in relation to population and demography. National Bureau of Statistics
Preparation of Maps Islands were requested to send updated island maps with the identified blocks. Blocks were updated to verify and finalize a copy of the map was sent back through the trainers who attended to conduct the training of enumerators. Once finalized set prints were made for each; enumerators block map, supervisor block map, Island focal point, Atoll coordinator, Atoll technical advisor. To update the maps of Male’, maps were requested from the city council. Once updated and finalized set prints were made for each; enumerators, Supervisors, ward desk, task force desk, Male’ coordinator. National Bureau of Statistics
Questionnaire designing Two questionnaires are used in census; Listing form “Haa form” and Individual form “shaviyani form” Initially a listing form “Haa form” is designed to list all the households with in a given block. To design the individual form, previous census questionnaire is used and edited accordingly. Once the draft is completed pretest is conducted in Male’ and in an Island. The questionnaire is revised based on the comments. Translations were made to 6 languages for the purpose of covering foreign population living in Maldives. The final questionniares were printed abroad to ensure the paper quality for scanning. National Bureau of Statistics
Pilot census A pilot census was conducted in Male’. The procedures was arranged as such how a real census preparation would be carried out. A foreign desk was established to cover the foreign households identified during the listing. Blocks were assigned to teams from all the wards of Male’. National Bureau of Statistics
Trainings Training of trainers was conducted to the selected participants. These trainers were given the task to train enumerators in the atolls/Male’. ENUMRATORS SELECTION To select enumerators advertisements were made through website, social media and passing on message from one person to other. Also open registrations were held during office hours as well as weekends at spots where the community gathers most. To select enumerators in the atolls letters were sent to island councils with key information sheets. National Bureau of Statistics
Census Publicity A committee was selected to conduct events of publicity of census. Logo completion was held to select a best logo which was used during the census. To promote census awareness NBS staff organized events at different fairs such as civil service fair, Population day Fair. Song was developed for census promotion. Training video was developed to use during trainings. Census spots were made to share on media. National Bureau of Statistics
Census Publicity contd… Banners were kept across the main roads, places where customer service is provided. Posters were kept at areas. Promoting census on media. Interviews were given on media through TV and Radio. National Bureau of Statistics
Before the date of census Dispatch of Census materials Field Operations Before the date of census Dispatch of Census materials Centre setup , organization and other emergency logistics Managing Field operation at the center Security measures Monitoring Field operation: Attend non- response cases Monitor daily progress Receive completed forms National Bureau of Statistics
Data processing After completion of Data collection, using Intelligent character Recognition technology (ICR) forms are scanned and stored to the system. It is costly and was very dependent on outside technical expertise on scanning of the data Since it was outsourced the transfer of knowledge was very limited. The scanned data is checked and edited on soft copy. National Bureau of Statistics