ARTERIAL INTERCHANGE Four exit ramp, split level (SPUI) With offset intersections SRF Consulting Group – May 2006
VISSIM SCREEN SHOTS Volumes used in simulation – year 2030 pm peak hour, for Mn Hwy 55 at Vicksburg Lane in Plymouth WB Mainline (underpass) 2910 Left turns – 120 Right turns – 415 Mainline through – 2375 EB Mainline (underpass) 1795 Left turns – 245 Right turns – 225 Mainline through – 1325 NB Cross street (over crossing) 1510 Left turns – 480 Right turns – 120 Throughs – 910 NB Cross street (over crossing) 1020 Left turns – 280 Right turns – 320 Throughs – 420 Represents junction of principle arterial (55,000 ADT) with minor arterial (25,000)
Two signal controlled intersections Signals on each level to handle left turns from ramps. Right turns have extended acceleration lanes to enter mainline and Yield control to enter cross street. Lower volume left turns from each roadway have complex alignment to create single intersection of opposing lefts while retaining a rectangular bridge shape.
Underpass Cross street follows a ridge. Mainline is lowered under intersection with 17 feet of vertical clearance.
FOUR EXIT RAMP SPLIT LEVEL SINGLE POINT (offset intersections) INTERSECTION DETAILS Alternative design has separate “conventional exit ramp intersections, but uses one signal controller with “split” phasing for the exit ramp greens, less capacity, but narrower bridge. Offset single intersection allows for exit ramp lefts to be made concurrently.