What is OAK 2? Operations and Algebraic Thinking - OA K-2 Math Teacher Leader Meeting November 15, 2011 Beth Schefelker Lee Ann Pruske Connie Laughlin Hank Kepner
Use the numbers 8, 3, and 11 to compose a story problem. Write a story problem Launch On an index card… Use the numbers 8, 3, and 11 to compose a story problem. On a separate card write another problem using the same numbers. 5 min - Use an index card for each story. Once written, put both stories aside.
Learning Intentions and Success Criteria We are learning to understand addition and subtraction problem types and the developmental continuum across K-2. What does it mean for you to be successful at the end of this session? We will be successful when we able to identify problem types as described in the CCSS. 10 min - Have people brainstorm at their table what participants think success would look like. Chart success criteria ideas Compare these ideas to the posted success criteria. What came up from the group discussion: *I would need to know a variety of problem types I would know a variety of strategies children use to solve types I would know how to help students become proficient *I would know some types are harder than others Two were the current success criteria, with the note that we will return to these in later sessions.
12/6/2018 CCSS-M Grade K-2 Table 1 10 min - Pass out this chart – one per person Think about the problems you wrote. Can you find them on this chart? What questions do you have about the problem types? Difference between add to or put together addend unknown. Difference between Possible answers: When do we expect students to do these type of problems. Not dealing with the strategies that students use, just getting familiar with the various problem types.
Exploring the Story Types Individually use your two problems to find your story types on the table. At your table share the types of stories you wrote. As a table group highlight the chart to identify which problems were created. Be ready to share out. 10 min
What questions do you have about the problem types? What’s the difference? What questions do you have about the problem types? Turn and talk with your table group to clarify nuances between the different problem types. 5 min – Turn and talk to surface and clarify differences. Charted: Add To/Take From - action Put Together/Take Apart – no action
Putting Your Chart to Use Pull a card and read the problem. As a table group, come to consensus about which problem type is written on the card. Pass the cards to a new person and repeat until all cards are done. Which problems caused the most discussion? 15 min
Connecting to the CMSP Curriculum Guides K, 1, 2 Curriculum Guides (v2 Oct 31, 2011) Pg 38 - Kindergarten Pg 14 - First Pg 11 – Second The expectation in the CCSS is that students will been engaging in these problem types working toward proficiency in all 12 by the end of 2nd grade. Where to find the chart in the appropriate grade level curriculum. V2 October 31, 2011 5 min - What are the implications for instruction? (leads us to the reading)
Background in Problem Types Read and highlight CCSS-M Addition and Subtraction Situations Background What are the expectations across kindergarten, first and second grades? In what ways are these problem types the building blocks of algebra? Source: K-5 OA Progressions 15 min
K-8 Content Domains, CCSSM K-8 Domains K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Counting & Cardinality Ratios & Proportional Relationships Operations & Algebraic Thinking Expressions & Equations Number & Operations in Base Ten The Number System Number & Operations - Fractions Functions Measurement & Data Statistics & Probability Geometry 3 min - Study the chart. Consider how OA feeds into mathematics in the middle grades. Forecast of where we are going Nov OA K-2 Addition and Subtraction Dec OA K-2 multi step problems Jan OA 3-4 Multiplication & Division Spring NF (Feb, Mar, Apr, May)
CCSS Domain Progression K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 HS Counting & Cardinality Number and Operations in Base Ten Ratios and Proportional Relationships Number & Quantity Number and Operations – Fractions The Number System Operations and Algebraic Thinking Expressions and Equations Algebra Functions Geometry Measurement and Data Statistics and Probability Statistics & Probability This diagram illustrates how the domains are distributed across the Common Core State Standards. What is not easily seen is how a domain may impact multiple domains in future grades. An example is K-5 Measurement and Data, which splits into Statistics and Probability and Geometry in grade 6. Likewise, Operations and Algebraic Thinking in K-5 provides foundation Ratios and Proportional Relationships, The Number System, Expressions and Equations, and Functions in grades 6-8.
Learning Intentions and Success Criteria We are learning to understand addition and subtraction problem types and the developmental continuum across K-2. We will be successful when we able to identify problem types as described in the CCSS. Have people brainstorm at their table what participants think success would look like. Chart table ideas
Professional Practice For December 6th MTL Meeting: Read the Excerpted Mathematics Curriculum Guide to study the OA Standards in grade K, 1, and 2. Highlight important ideas and come prepared to discuss them in December.
Feedback Question As a leader of self, what does it mean for you to be successful at understanding addition and subtraction situations in K-2?