Reston Real Estate Co., ERD (2/3/08) provided by mi #baths included in first last garage size includes STANDARD MODEL FEATURE STANDARD FEATURE STANDARD MODEL name subID #bed rooms includes includes basis of model ID suggested cost cost actual_cost SUB CONTRACTOR model ID includes featureID featureID builder ID provided by does FEATURE part of cust ID builder ID based on homeID actual cost featureID description done by problem description feature ID work ID home ID Lot_size has WARRANTY WORK requested by used for HOME NON-STANDARD FEATURE cost HOME NON STANDARD FEATURE needs has featureID part of location home ID comments address involves city sub ID model_ID purchase price zipcode provides street BUILDER first last builderID part of state provides phone provides requests name mi actual amount involves POC profession name cell phone contractID cust ID provided by home_Phone sale_ID homeID involved in part of referrer CUSTOMER SALE CONTRACT amount includes includes DOB handled by employer cust_ID involves builder ID has agent_ID contract date agent_ID agent_ID handles contract ID address involved in agent_ID street sale date served by zipcode AGENT office_Phone city serves state belongs to pager part of CUSTOMER INTEREST INTEREST title name cell_phone hireDate includes home_phone mi first custID last interest ID interest_ID description Reston Real Estate Co., ERD (2/3/08)