B2b Revision Who was Mendel? (dominant and recessive, mendel’s work, inheritance, chromosomes, genes, alleles, genetic crosses) How is sex inherited? (what makes us male or female, genetic cross) How do genes control characteristics? (DNA, genes and how they code for proteins) What are genetic disorders? (polydactyly, cystic fibrosis, how they are inherited, recessive, dominant) Using genetics (embryo screening, Stem cells and DNA fingerprinting) What is fossil evidence? (what are fossils and how do they form, how do we use the evidence) What is extinction? (causes, endangered v extinction) How are new species formed? (alfred wallace, speciation) What are proteins? (include information about structure, examples and what they are made of) What are enzymes? (include examples, how they work best, enzymes in the home and in industry) What is included in the digestive system? (how food is digested, enzymes involved, main organs) What is aerobic respiration? (equation, where it takes place, effect of exercise, store of glycogen) What is anaerobic respiration? ( when it takes place, oxygen debt) What is mitosis? (how it occurs, asexual reproduction) What is meiosis? (when and where it occurs, differences to mitosis)