It’s takes a major boom to “wow” the kids these days… Energy of Change It’s takes a major boom to “wow” the kids these days…
Question: What does it mean when we all say “Johnny has a lot of energy?” We usually mean that Johnny is “active” and moving around a lot (as annoying as that can be). But, (if he can just stay focused) imagine if he could use his energy for good, he could get a lot of things done. As surprising as it may sound, energy and “work” are closely related! We’ll get back to that later…
What is Energy? Energy: The ability to do work (move large and/or small objects) Think about things that have energy “in them”… All those things can make something DO something! It’s what causes change in everything!
Main Principal #1: All Energy in our solar system comes from the Sun! The heat, pressure and gravity of the sun causes all energy. The Suns energy causes change to everything in the solar system!
Heat Energy from our planet comes from the radio active core! Main Principal #2: Heat Energy from our planet comes from the radio active core! Radio Active Core There is so much heat and pressure in the core that the Iron atoms are constantly breaking apart! This creates LOTS of heat = Energy!!! This energy causes major changes on the surface of the planet!!!
Main Principal #3: There are two types of energy: Potential Potential: “stored” energy (able or about to do something but isn’t just yet) There are two basic examples of Potential Energy: The ball could fall, but it hasn’t yet! Gravitational Elastic The boulder can fall but it hasn’t yet The “bow” can shoot the arrow but isn’t right now. Elastic Energy is caused by changing the shape of an object (“stretching”, “bending”, “pulling”, “squishing”) Gravitational Energy is caused by the force of gravity Pulling down on an object while the object is being held up!
Main Principal #3: There are two types of energy: Kinetic Kinetic: Energy of movement This container is full of a red liquid But there is a hole! Gravity pulls the liquid down through the hole! The motion of the liquid is an example of a substance with Kinetic Energy Ball falling down = Movement Movement = Kinetic Energy
Potential vs. Kinetic: The Roller Coaster has potential energy at the top of the hill The rocket has potential energy when the fuel hasn’t been lit The rocket has Kinetic energy when it’s fuel is lit and it flies through the air Wow! There’s a lot of potential energy in this sucker! But it has Kinetic energy when it rolls down the hill!
Main Principal #4: There are SIX forms of energy = Heat Energy: (Thermal) Measurement of total movement of Particles (kinetic energy) Heat Energy is the form of energy that is related to and caused by “heat” Measurement of total movement of molecules (Kinetic Energy) Heat energy is measured by “Temperature” So a higher temperature simply means that the atoms are moving faster! Liquid A Liquid B A higher temp. means more Kinetic energy for the molecules! Think: Which of the two liquid samples has a higher temperature? WHY?
Mechanical Energy: = Energy which deals with the motion of physical objects both large and small. Like a ball bouncing… Ball Oh! And don’t forget music! A person running… A rocket launching… Important: All motion will create heat! Rub your hands together, what do you feel? Run a mile, what happens to your core temp? Drive a car then feel the hood, what does it feel like?
Mechanical Energy The little squares represent individual Molecules of a “medium”. Notice they just Move back and forth as he energy passes through! Sound = Vibrations of molecules due to compressional disturbances A “medium” is the solid, liquid or as that the energy is travelling through! The wave lines represent the movement of energy! Not the movement of the molecules themselves!
Electric Energy: = Movement of electric charges in FLOW These charges can be made to move through a wire Electric energy “flows” through wires to our houses where we plug stuff in! Electricity is electric energy Lightning is Electric energy
Electromagnetic Energy: Energy from the motion of a moving charged particle in the atoms disturbs the electromagnetic fields which effects other charged particles in other atoms. Electromagnetic “Fields” being disturbed by the moving particle move in a wave like motion! +/- We will spend more time with this form of energy in our next unit! Work = Force x Distance
held together by chemical Chemical Energy: = Energy holding atoms to other atoms (“bonds”) Batteries use atomic bonds for energy Food=People Fuel! 2 Oxygen atoms being held together by chemical energy! Fire is a result of chemical energy Plants make sugar from sunlight Gasoline=Car Fuel!
If we split an atoms nucleus, we release TONS of energy!!! Nuclear energy: Energy holding the nucleus (center) of an atom together. If we split an atoms nucleus, we release TONS of energy!!! Nuclear energy holds P+ and N0 of the nucleus together
Nuclear Energy We normally think of Nuclear Energy like a nuclear bomb! The most classic example of Nuclear Energy is the Sun! The idea of this energy being let loose can be scary Inside the sun, Atoms of Hydrogen are being broken apart and remade into new elements (like: Helium and Carbon) In fact, all the energy for every solar system starts out as Nuclear Energy in a star! But humans have figured out that we can control this energy enough to use it for electricity!