Target group Released prisoners served log sentence homeless don’t know the city jobseeker have no family contacts grown up in child care home
Mentors tasks Listening, emotional support Sharing experiences Identifying gaols Giving feedback, Orientation in the city
Raising and strengthening motivation
Help to find a job (CV writing)
Assist at the job interwiev
PROCESS Recriutment of mentors (2011 January-February) Training (2011 March) Recruitment of mentees Mentoring
Recriutment Peers: Non-peers: Select cases from the probation IT client tracking system Asking probaion officers to nominate suitable probationers Non-peers: Web, e-mail
Recriuitment of peer mentors Selecting cases (more then 2000 suitable cases ) Asking probaion officers to identify suitable ex-probationers 47 were identified Calling and asking them: 12 said that would like to participate, 8 said, that can come to the training, but only 2 turned up + 1 Social enquiry report in the case of her son
Peer Mentors Served 9 years Served more short sentences Served 7 month pre-trial detention, and gave birth to a child during her imprisonment
Recruitment of non-peer mentors Mailing lists 6 applicants 1 came to the training Web site of the Volunteers Center 17 applicants (sended a letter) 8 came to the firts interview Extra: Social Enquiry Report
Non-peer mentors Teacher, currently works as a gardener in her own enterprise Retired engineer, who have been manager for a long time Journalist, who works for the national TV company Unemployed shop assistant Psychologist, who works as a waiter in a teahouse Retired teacher and social worker University student (Social work) Trainer and mediator
Training (30 hours) Self awareness Problem solving Mentoring Competencies Feedback Released prisoners’ needs Use of the evaluation tools
Support for the mentors Training Opportunity to meet regurally at „Jóvá Tett Hely” Internet, telephone, newspapers Supervision
Mentoring Difficulties Successes Future plans