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Via the REST API and Power BI Embedded Jan Pieter Posthuma Extending Power BI Via the REST API and Power BI Embedded Jan Pieter Posthuma
Thanks you our PLATINUM sponsors
Thanks you our GOLD and SILVER sponsors
Agenda Who am I? Introduction Power BI REST API Power BI Embedded Demo Power BI Embedded Questions Resources
Who am I? Jan Pieter Posthuma – Microsoft Data Consultant Rubicon, local consultancy firm in the Netherlands Architect role at multiple projects Analysis Service, Reporting Service, Big Data, HDInsight (Hadoop), Cloud BI, Power BI jp.posthuma@rubicon.nl https://twitter.com/jppp https://linkedin.com/in/jpposthuma https://github.com/liprec https://docs.com/liprec
Introduction Introduced with the new Power BI service API (application programming interface): programmatically access to certain Power BI resources Ability to push data real-time via ‘Streaming Datasets’ Build on open REST API standards
Authentication Power BI uses Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) Azure AD handles User Authentication Permissions View all Datasets Read and Write all Datasets View users Groups Returns an Authorization Token [NEW] Streaming: direct push via URL with Key https://dev.powerbi.com/apps?type=web
Power BI REST API http://docs.powerbi.apiary.io/
Application authentication via https://dev.powerbi.com/apps?type=web ASP.NET (C#) Website showing Power BI dashboard tiles and report Connected cars directly adding location and speed to a streaming dashboard DEMO Power Bi rest api
Power BI Embedded Demo 1 Demo 2
Power BI Workspace Create workspace collection via Azure portal https://portal.azure.com Management (e.g. upload reports, change connections) https://github.com/Microsoft/PowerBI-Cli Pricing per month €4,2165 per 100 Sessions (first 100 sessions free)
Create and manage Power BI Embedded workspace via PowerShell NodeJS / JavaScript application with embedded Power BI dashboarding and reporting DEMO power bi embedded
Questions? Wrap Up: Power BI REST API: pushing data Power BI REST API: internal embedding Power BI Embedded: external embedding Questions?
THANK YOU EVENT SESSION Don’t forget you evaluation forms http://speakerscore.com/ZGVX EVENT http://speakerscore.com/MMSN SESSION Don’t forget you evaluation forms THANK YOU
Resources Power BI Developer Center https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/developers/ Register an Application for Power BI https://dev.powerbi.com/apps?type=web (or native) Power BI REST API http://docs.powerbi.apiary.io/ Power BI Embedded https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/power-bi-embedded/ Power BI CLI – Management commands https://github.com/Microsoft/PowerBI-Cli