GCSE Literature Poetry
Approaching a poem LO To understand how to approach analysing (EXPLODING) a poem IN ORDER TO Explain how a poem has been written and its effects.
You might find it useful to remember to SPIT…
SPITS means…. S – Subject Matter – what’s it about? P – Point of view,Theme or Message I – Identify Emotion, Mood or Feeling T – Technique (Think SLIRS) S – Summary
Subject Matter What is the poem about? What does it describe? Don’t spend too much time on this, a few short sentences should suffice.
Purpose, Theme or Message Why did the poet write the poem? Is it written from a particular point of view? Is there a strong message / theme /idea being explored? What’s the poet’s attitude to the subject of the poem? How does this make you feel?
Identify Emotion, Mood or Feeling What ‘s the ‘mood’ of the poem or the ’tone’ of the speaker’s voice? Are there a strong feelings/ emotions in this poem? Do these change as the poem progresses? How does it make the reader feel?
Technique Remember this is not an exhaustive list! S – Structure (stanzas / form/ use of ellipsis/enjabment -how the poem begins – develops – ends?) L – Language(conversational / emotive?) I – Imagery (simile / metaphor/ personification) R – Rhythm(regular pattern of stresses?) S – Sounds- rhyme/alliteration/assonance Remember this is not an exhaustive list!
Summary What is the impact of the whole poem for you? How successful is it in achieving its purpose? How has it made you think or feel – links to other poems?
This is a useful way of approaching a poem, but it is not exhaustive This is a useful way of approaching a poem, but it is not exhaustive. Don’t limit yourself to these things only! It is tempting to write a paragraph on each, but in order to gain the higher grades you need to show an overall understanding of the poem. How do the techniques used add to/change/ effect the Purpose/Mood etc?
And don’t forget to PEEE! Point Evidence Explain the technique Effect on you, the reader