MANAGING YOUR TIME AND STRESS Susan Capel From: Learning to Teach in the Secondary School 5th edition, Routledge © 2009 UNIT 1.3
OBJECTIVES At the end of this unit you should be able to: identify ways you can use your time effectively in the classroom develop ways to manage your time effectively identify factors that may cause you stress develop methods of coping with stress. From: Learning to Teach in the Secondary School 5th edition, Routledge © 2009
TIME AND STRESS Managing your time: Managing your time in the classroom Planning outside the classroom Managing your own time effectively. Preventing, managing and coping with stress: Causes of stress How can you cope with your stress? From: Learning to Teach in the Secondary School 5th edition, Routledge © 2009
FURTHER INFORMATION To explore this material further, read: Capel, S. (2009) Managing your time and stress, in S. Capel, M. Leask and T. Turner (eds) Learning to Teach in the Secondary School: A Companion to School Experience, 5th edn, London: Routledge. From: Learning to Teach in the Secondary School 5th edition, Routledge © 2009
FURTHER READING Bubb, S. and Earley, P. (2004) Managing Teacher Workload: Work–life Balance and Wellbeing, London: Sage. Capel, S., Heilbronn, R., Leask, M. and Turner, T. (2004) Starting to Teach in the Secondary School: A Companion for the Newly Qualified Teacher, 2nd edn, London: RoutledgeFalmer. Child, D. (2007) Psychology and the Teacher, 8th edn, London: Continuum, Chapter 8. Kyriacou, C. (2000) Stress-Busting for Teachers, Cheltenham: Stanley Thornes. Kyriacou, C. (2001) Teacher stress: directions for future research, Educational Review, 53 (1), 27–35. Nelson, I. (1995) Time Management for Teachers, London: Routledge. From: Learning to Teach in the Secondary School 5th edition, Routledge © 2009