Welcome to Medieval Europe 12/6/2018 5:56 PM Welcome to Medieval Europe It is the year 1509. We will be covering lots of events that happened between now and 1547. Bell Work: Look around the room … What do you think you will learn today? What do you hope to learn from today’s lesson? Who or what do you think Ms. Emery is dressed up as? © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
English Reformation Day 2 Bell Work: What did you find most interesting about yesterday’s lesson? Why? 2. Who’s story did you find most interesting? Why? 3. Write one question you have about any of these Reformation figures.
The House of Tudor
Reformation in England Henry VIII: The Anglican Tradition Henry VIII – King of England Roman Catholic Opposed Luther’s beliefs Named ‘Defender of the Faith’ by Pope Leo X Reformer due to circumstance not personal beliefs
Henry VIII Needs a Divorce! Catholic Church does not permit divorce Marriage to Catherine of Aragon did not produce male heir only a girl - Mary Tudor Henry needed a male to preserve his throne Henry asked the Pope for an annulment so he could marry someone who could give him a male heir The Pope denied his request Henry created the Church of England and established his own supremacy over it
Act of Supremacy -1534 Parliament passed the Act of Supremacy Made Henry “the only supreme head on Earth of the Church of England” Many refused to accept Henry as the head of the church and were executed for treason
Anne Boleyn Anne became Henry VIII’s second wife. But since his first, Catharine of Aragon, was still living, many Catholics, felt that her child Elizabeth was illegitimate. Henry had already met Jane Seymour. Anne tried to woo Henry back, but he had her charged with adultery and incest and beheaded…
Jane Seymour Elizabeth and Mary were raised together Queen Jane Seymour showed favor to Mary but treated Elizabeth well And the Queen did finally have that male heir, Edward VI; this ended the sisters’ succession argument When Jane Seymour died (a fever), the 3 siblings were raised together
The other 3 wives Henry VIII went on to marry Anne of Cleves – it only lasted 6 months, and Henry got out of it by saying he was impotent on the wedding night… Henry then married Catherine Howard, a 17 year old, who was soon beheaded for adultery So Henry married for the final time, to Catherine Parr – she got along well with all the children
Henry’s Advisors during the Reformation Sir Thomas More- was a priest who died mainly for not submitting to the Act of Supremacy. Cardinal Wolsey – was exposed for his corrupt ways and taking money from the church for himself. He also was not successful in getting the kings divorce. Thomas Cromwell – was elevated to many positions by the king but used his power to do many corrupt things. He was eventually killed for treason.
I am King Henry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_euxjw17GU8