CCR 12 Spring Semester Week 6
Monday Agenda: Bell Ringer: Daily Stumper Reading +
Reading Plus By March 10th, you will need 10 NEW combos! You all start at “0” today! Reward: MOVIES Tickets are $6 Lastly, we are going to quickly review Reading Plus options.
Reading Plus COMBOS! Class Leaders: Overall : Shay: 1 Adrian: 1 LT: I can improve my reading level by reading a passage and answering comprehension questions. COMBOS! Class Leaders: Overall : Shay: 1 Adrian: 1 Aspyn: 1 Jaclyn: 1 Trenton: 100 Briauna: 100 Shay: 94 Aspyn: 91 CPS=Combos per Student Seniors: 1.62 Juniors: 2.05 Sophomores: 1.64 Freshman: 1.54
Tuesday Agenda: Bell Ringer: Daily Stumper Reading +
Reading Plus COMBOS! Class Leaders: Overall : Shay: 2 John: 1 LT: I can improve my reading level by reading a passage and answering comprehension questions. COMBOS! Class Leaders: Overall : Shay: 2 John: 1 Jaclyn: 2 Adrian: 1 Aspyn: 2 Trenton: 1 Shay: 95 John: 91 Steven: 94 Morgan: 90 Jacyln: 90 CPS=Combos per Student Seniors: 1.62 Juniors: 2.05 Sophomores: 1.64 Freshman: 1.54
Wednesday Agenda: Bell Ringer: Daily Stumper Reading +
Reading Plus COMBOS! Class Leaders: Overall : CPS=Combos per Student LT: I can improve my reading level by reading a passage and answering comprehension questions. COMBOS! Class Leaders: Overall : CPS=Combos per Student Seniors: Juniors: Sophomores: Freshman:
Thursday Bell Ringer Agenda: Bell Ringer SSR
Thursday: SSR: Reading +: SSR Today LT: I can improve my reading level by reading a passage and answering comprehension questions. SSR: Reading +: SSR Today When you finish Reading +, you may go down to pick out a book. Bring it to me, so I can check it out! The following need to finish their assignments: If you want to increase your combos, you are more than welcome to work on more reading assignments.
Reading Plus COMBOS! Class Leaders: Overall : CPS=Combos per Student LT: I can improve my reading level by reading a passage and answering comprehension questions. COMBOS! Class Leaders: Overall : CPS=Combos per Student Seniors: Juniors: Sophomores: Freshman:
Friday: Students Going With Ruby: Students Staying with Webster: LT: I can improve my writing level by trying new methods in On Demand Writing. Students Going With Ruby: Students Staying with Webster: