Spread of the Reformation
Radical Reformers New sects begin to spring up Each had a different characteristic (reject infant baptism, religious toleration etc.) Anabaptists, Quakers, Mennonites, Amish, Baptists
English Reformation King Henry VIII “Defender of the Faith” Originally against the Reformation Married to Catherine of Aragon Had a daughter Mary Tudor
Henry VIII wanted to annul his marriage w/ Catherine Pope refused (Catherine’s nephew was Holy Roman Emperor Charles V) Henry VIII had parliament pass the Act of Supremacy (made King head of Church in England)
Henry VIII shut down all convents & seized church land Appointed Thomas Cranmer as Archbishop & he annulled the King’s marriage King Henry VIII married Anne Boleyn, no son; only Elizabeth King Henry VIII married 4 more times, 1 son Edward (weak & sickly)
Edward became King but died soon after Power reverted to Mary (Catholic) Mary eventually died b/c of cancer & her half-sister Elizabeth took over (Protestant) Elizabeth practiced religious toleration & firmly established the Church of England/ Anglican Church Mary Tudor Video.asf
Catholic/Counter Reformation Church need to reform to get people back in seats Pope Paul III set out to revive the Church & end corruption Held 20 year conference called the Council of Trent
Council decided: Salvation through faith & good deeds Bible not the sole source of truth Stiffer penalties against corruption Schools to educate clergy Strengthened the Inquisition Missionaries to spread Catholic faith Ignatius of Loyola formed a group called the Society of Jesus (Jesuits)