GREEK SUPER BOWL WHERE: AIRBORNE LANES (BRAGG) WHEN: FEBRUARY 21, 2009, 7p-12a WHAT: 9-PIN NO-TAP BOWLING TOURNAMENT (COSMIC) COST: $100 PER TEAM (1ST ENTRY) $50 PER TEAM (2ND ENTRY) $75 PER TEAM (3RD ENTRY) (cost includes- games (3), shoes, food, prizes, raffle entry) AWARDS: Best Fraternity, Best Sorority, Team Spirit, High Game (male/female), Jazz Trivia, Strikes (colored head pin)
GREEK SUPER BOWL RULES NO-Tap (9 pins = Strike) Each team will consist of (5) members of their organization. Each team will total all 5 members scores at the end of each game. The total score of all (5) members at the end of the 3 games will determine the overall winners. Each organization may enter up to 3 teams consisting of 5 members. AWARDS EXPLAINED Best Fraternity- The male team with the highest total score at the end of the three games. Best Sorority- The female team with the highest total score at the end of the three games. High Game Male- Male with the highest single game. High Game Female- Female with the highest single game. Jazz Trivia- 5 songs will be played. The first 5 people with the correct songs will be given (1) opportunity to throw the ball and knocked down all ten pins. Award for a ten pin strike. Team Spirit- The organization with the most representation. (i.e. colors, members present, teams entered, paraphernalia) Colored Pin Strike- All ten pins must be knocked down when the head pin is a colored pin to receive an award. Raffles- If number is called, you will receive (1) opportunity to throw and knock down all ten pins. NO-Tap (9 pins = Strike)